The Lounger – Week #06

in thelounger •  8 years ago 
week #06

This series is for helping me to do more this year. My experience shows that publicity incentivize achievements through encouragement and guilt. I make a post every week about what I've done in the last calendar week.

Steem Related GTD

You can follow the things I do for the Steem blockchain here live.

  • Made contributions at Github (login req. for the following contrib.s/repo.s):
    1. adcpm/busy issues
    2. @steemit steemit/ issues
    3. @steemconnect adcpm/steemconnect issues
  • Made polls about Reputation here and here
    The polls were unsuccessful (low/no participation), but it was partly successful because I could close the question of downvotes inside me finally.
  • Improved tag usage on my Steem Trello board (work still needed for tagging past data properly)
  • Answered questions about Steem
  • Posted and commented

GTD Outside Steem

  • Dreamed about pretty chicks sunbathing next to the sea to forget that it's still f***g winter here
  • Cut my hair
    I had had long hair for more than a decade, last year I have undercut it and wore man braid style hair (which was weird to the conservative part of me, but generally it was cool), and now I cut it to 3 mm long everywhere. It's a part of my simplification process.


As you can see (if you click on the links), my focus was on Busy this week, like last week. The team does a great job, and I do what I can (I'm not Bruce Wayne, though) to make this project a success (with Steem ofc).

I imagine the panic because the price is falling. I don't give financial advice to anyone, everybody have to decide on their own. There is a sentence in my mind, though.

Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own. - Baron Rothschild

See you next week, until then, I will be busy and I'll go full steem ahead.

PS.: @blocktrades has a nice new UI. ;)

Image Credits
Week #06 – Two of Hearts by @tibonova is hereby released under CC0 1.0 Universal License and Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License.

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