The Lounger – Week #13

in thelounger •  7 years ago 
week #13

This series is for helping me to do more this year. My experience shows that publicity incentivize achievements through encouragement and guilt. I make a post every week about what I've done in the last calendar week.


You can follow the things I do for the Steem blockchain here live.

  • Maintained @pipes: voted, promoted, commented contents
  • Reported an issue of SteemWatch at
  • Reported an issue of SteemIMG at
  • This is my 500th post


  • Had my first full week at my new workplace


I'm afraid I'll write about my weeks like this. My job takes all my time. I knew that it costs time, but I hoped that I could do 1-2 projects beside it. I was wrong. :(

Image Credits
Week #13 – Four of Clubs by @tibonova is hereby released under CC0 1.0 Universal License and Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License.

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