in thematic •  7 years ago 
  1. Make a horizontal line on the paper like the following picture. The line is called the horizon line. image 2.Decide on the horizon line that one point disappears (1TL). 3. Make incoming lines. The tip of the front end of the line is connected to the vanishing point with a thin line as a rescue line. image 4.Front and rear border lines are parallel to the horizon (horizon). 5. From one side, start drawing the object from the tip to the middle point.This point is called the full point.Please make sure the image you create is arranged according to the lines that make up the letter "X." Object object is described with the smaller size to the point of vanishing . image 6.Then draw another series of objects in the same way on the other side of the paper! image 7.Complete the object with the detail picture (for example a window image in the building). Note the comparison of the image detail size. image 8.After the drawing of your object is complete, remove the horizontal auxiliary lines and X lines you created earlier! image 9.Complete your drawing by adding another object object. You can draw a car, sun, lights, and so on. image
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