in thenk •  7 years ago 

danger drug -, drugs stands narcotics and dangerous drugs, terms of drug is very related compounds give effect addiction for its users. danger drug not only affect physical but can interfere with mental or soul drug addicts, the therefore I am in the status of this want once share knowledge about the dangers of narkoba.disamping provide information about the herbal treatment status is also want to share on health information other easy hopefully beneficial to friend, such as information about the dangers of drug that will we cover right now. danger drug for pecandunya, danger drug not only adverse physical problems only but will experience of mental disorders and psychiatric. actually drug this is the compounds psychotropic used doctor or hospital for anesthetize patients who want to surgery or as a cure for certain diseases, but the perception of the misunderstood interpret due to the use of outside function and dose outside the provisions. if abused, danger drugs can affect the nervous system, resulting in hooked, and the dependency, due to affect the nervous system. of dependence this is the danger of drug will affect the physical, psychological, and social environment. 1) the dangers of drug to the physical - irritation nervous system (neurological) -gangguan at the heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) -gangguan skin (dermatological) -gangguan on lung (pulmonary) often headache, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea-diarrhea, body temperature increased, the downsizing heart and insomnia -gangguan to reproductive health ie disorders padaendokrin, such as: loss function hormone reproduction (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone), and disorders sexual function. -gangguan to reproductive health on the girls among other changes menstrual period, irregularities menstruation, and amenorhoe (not menstrual). -bagi drug users through the syringe, especially the use of syringe alternately, the risk is infected diseases such as hepatitis bed, C., and HIV -bahaya drugs can be fatal when going over a dose of the consumption of drug exceed the body's ability to receive it. over dose can cause of death 2) the dangers of drugs on psychology work slow and seroboh, often tense and restless lost confidence, apathy, Dreamer, full of suspicious agitatif, a malignant and behavior brutal difficult concentrate, feeling upset and depressed tend to hurt yourself, feeling safely, even suicide 3) the dangers of drugs on the environment social -gangguan mental -anti-social and immoral -dikucilkan by environmental -merepotkan and became the burden of family -pendidikan be disturbed and future bleak -bahaya drug according to its kind -bahaya narkoba-, drug does have -jenis different different, of course the effect that can be caused can different different according -jenisnya. here is the danger of drug according to its kind: * 1) opioid: severe depression apathy, nervous and restless much sleep, fatigue excessive lazy move, convulsions, and heart rate increases rapidly always feel suspicious, Rapture excessive, self-respect increased talkative However lisp, pupils shrink, blood pressure rise, cold sweat nausea up vomiting, wound on the bulkhead nasal cavity, loss of appetite, weight loss * 2) cocaine: heart rate increases rapidly restless, a lot of talk, Rapture excessive, self-respect increased, convulsions, pupils wide, cold sweat, nausea up vomiting, easy to fight bleeding in the brain blockage of blood vessels, the movement of eye uncontrolled, stiffness neck muscles * 3) marijuana: eye swollen, eye bags look swollen, Red, and watery, often dreamy, hearing impaired, always laugh, sometimes irritability, there is passionate, anxiety, dehydration, liver, bone tooth loss, nervous brain and nervous eyes damaged, schizophrenia * 4) ectasy: energetic but his eyes glazed and his face pale, sweating, it's hard to sleep, nerve damage the brain, dehydration, disorders liver, bone and tooth loss, not appetite, optic nerve damage * 5) shabu-shabu: energetic, paranoid, it's hard to sleep, it's hard to think, nerve damage the brain, especially neural control respiratory to feel shortness of breath, a lot of talk, heart rate increases rapidly brain hemorrhage shock in the blood vessels heart will culminate in death. * 6) benzodiazepin: walking stagger, face redness, a lot of talk but lisp, irritability, the concentration of disturbed damage organs especially brain so I can write the articles about the dangers of drug this, I hope friends can better understand the danger of drug and the stay away. image

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