Was Jesus Only God?

in theology •  8 years ago 

Simple answer: no

There is a heretical teaching that even when Jesus walked the earth, he was still fully God and only among us in a very superficial way.

Like many heretical teachings, there is usually a well-meaning aspect to the teaching. This teaching tries to address the perceived contradiction that someone who is fully God cannot be fully man. This teaching attempts to correct the possible contradiction by simply conceding that Jesus wasn't fully man.

However, we know this is not the case. Here are several proof texts with regards to Jesus being fully man in addition to being fully God:

For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 4:15

One of the main reason this is heretical is that it detracts from the horror that was the cross. This teaching allows Jesus to just switch off the pain and suffering so that the impact of the crucifixion wasn't as bad as it really was.

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why do you quote Hebrews? Why don´t you dig into What Jesus really said?
http://WhatJesusSaidMinistries.com hosted by me because Free Speech matters!

Being killed for establishing a counter-culture cult and claiming to be a god wasn't unreasonable in those ancient times. Doesn't the Bible itself say to kill someone for much less than that? Even being gay, or a witch, would sentence you to death, according to Biblical law.

However, it is unreasonable for us in the modern age to think these two thousand year old religious myths are true.

Gods are not real, and neither is magic. Jesus was just a charismatic cult leader.

His charisma allowed him to convince people, such as yourself, that he is a god, when the reality is that he is just more clever than you, in a very dark and devious way. He makes you think he was a god, even though gods do not exist. All religious cults are made up.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

No. The logic I use is this;

Per a recent debate between obviously expert scholars Bart Ehrman and Mike Licona both stipulated that most serious historians agree on these facts:

  • Jesus was killed in public by professional Roman executioners.
  • Many credible witnesses over many days subsequently saw and physically interacted with him.

From those bedrock historical facts, I conclude that Jesus was indeed resurrected, as He had predicted many times in advance. Given the technology of the day this was either supernatural or aliens.

From that I conclude that Jesus was special enough for me to believe what He and His followers said about Him. He said His resurrection would be and was an act of God.

Both Jesus and the eyewitness claimed their inspired accounts were rendered infallible (and therefore presumably incorruptible) by God. Because of the facts above, I believe them.

I then derive everything else I believe based on those accounts.

There are many other reasons why I believe this, and the sum of their probabilities does not rise to 100%. But the above alone is enough to make me want to know everything I can about Jesus Christ and to take the accounts of his life very seriously.


I don't really see that verse from Hebrews indicative of Jesus being both man and God, though. Sure, he's our high priest, but the high priest would practice obeisance to God. Look at how Jesus told the Apostles to pray, it was to someone other than himself. Jesus is discussed as being below God in power and authority in 1 Corinthians 15:28...

After everything has been put under Christ, then the Son himself will be put under God. God is the one who put everything under Christ. And Christ will be put under God so that God will be the complete ruler over everything.

Maybe we need to study what it means for Jesus to be God instead of assuming it means he is the Father. Afterall, he did say, "It is written in your law that God said, ‘I said you are gods.’" (John 10:34 in reference to Psalm 82:6)