This is the type of shit they end up thinking, saying and doing when raised on tumbler.
We need to get rid of the anti-bullying laws, turning everyone into special snowflakes has gone way to far.
Here is a horrible girl making a video about how to come out to your parents about being therian. Her little sister obviously looks up to her and is growing up with her older sister telling her that its normal. Now her 8yr old sister thinks she is therian too.
Next we are going to get hit with #otherkinlivesmatters and #therianlivesmatters.
ok last video, just another raised on tumbler fool that is going to teach you how to make therian noises.
fun right? aka ear cancer.
This is what we have to run the world in the future.
people/parents are so scared of upsetting them by saying something that they don't like that they go along with their kids telling them they are part animal. its fucking madness!
Multiple Personality Disorder, but with animals + 71 genders = a shit storm of pronouns.
All the videos are really new and if they wernt kids they would get a thumbs down from me and a shit ton of comments but they are children and it is there parents and peers (you guys) job to bully them when they are young. Once they get older ill start talking shit to them for acting retarded. xD