Predictions for 2024! 17 True Predictions and Prophecies for decades, Coincidence or a Prepping of the Conscious? You decide! How did the Simpons Know back in 1993 that the Barbie Movie release would trump Trump's arrest?

in thesimpsonspredictions •  8 months ago  (edited)

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Prediction, Coincidence or Prepping?
Did someone or many Someone's Know the Future?

Let's go back in time and see!

**Number 17 **

Trump's Presidential Ambitions for 2024 BEFORE He became President in 2017!

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Do they KNOW the future or did Trump himself go Forward then Backwards in time? You decide!

Did you Know he himself spoke decades ago about an Exploratory Presidential Committee on an old show from
CNN called Larry King Live?

Check here if not familiar from an article I wrote over 5 years ago,

Hear President Trump refer to a letter from JFKjr. dated After the plane crash and Larry King appears to fumble the date with 2 other tries. Princess Di, Prince Andrew and Trumps in the UK

To see his family history and how deep it all really goes check here,

What's in a Trump all it encompasses. How it has connections to the Battle Hymn of the Republic played for Independence Day 2019 and a very Historical Inauguration

To see who all has been working with President Trump for some time and how it has been signaled for all the world to see, go here,

Who is working with President Trump? How we know "We have it all" is real? How about that photo with the Pope and Trump. Yikes for the pope!

  • Did you know that on November 15, 2022 Trump stated,
    that just as he promised, "I am your voice. . .in order to make America Great and Glorious again
    I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States!"

You can see his campaign announcement for 2024 here,

Check out this article if not familiar,

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What is Giant Voice. Tweeted prior to PreZ Trump's Suspension. Military Mass Comm System? Here is the evidence. History, Power and Reach of FEMA.

Do you remember this scene from a 2015 episode that predicted Trump's run in 2024?

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Did you know they also predicted Trump's candidacy for 2028?

Trump 2024 & 2028
Episode titled Bart to the Future

There was also an episode titled Bart to the Future in 2000
that showed Lisa as President and she mentions President Trump

At number 16 is
AI Robots Takeover Prediction

Just mere coincidence? You decide!
I have been telling my team and followers for years now, #ThereAreNoCoincidences!
Check out Episode 17 Season 23

Them, Robot
Mr. Burns replaces all of the nuclear plant employees with robots--except for Homer, who stays along to supervise the robots and serve as a human scapegoat.

The Simpsons - S23E17 - Them, Robot [Couch Gag]

"Axels to axels #Rust to rust Amen."

The Simpsons - Homer Vs. Androids (Season 23 Ep. 17) Brent Spiner!

The Simpsons Robots Replace Workers At The Plant With A Twist

In the episode, "You will train them and they will replace you!"

Have you seen how these robots work in Japan with people operating them behind the scenes?
Quite fascinating!

Japan's Best Robot Restaurants

Check out how far they've come even from the point in 2017 where I was telling my viewers about the robot Sophia!

All Most Advanced Next-Generation Humanoid Robots | BEST OF 2023

At number 15 of predictions for 2024 from The Simpsons we have
Mars Takeover!

Simpsons MArs Bart S 27 E 16 Marge Homer ma Lisa Mars

At the end it shows Lisa and Marge living on Mars in the year 2051

Do you remember when I told you about a book written years ago dealing with Mars and The Elon?

Check it out!

It was Wernher von Braun, one of the scientists brought over from #ProjectPaperclip aka #OperationPaperclip [see below if not familiar] who wrote
Project Mars: A Technical Tale
and in it mentions The Elon.

Here is a super short run down on von Braun

Von Braun is a highly controversial figure widely seen as escaping justice for his Nazi war crimes due to the Americans' desire to beat the Soviets in the Cold War.

He is also sometimes described by others as the "father of space travel",
the "father of rocket science",
or the "father of the American lunar program".
He advocated a human mission to Mars.

As per Wikipedia

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If you want to have a look at it with your own eyes, here it is on Internet Archives,

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See here if not familiar #ProjectPaperclip

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Operations that laid the Groundwork for Operation Mockingbird! Project Paperclip which was First Known as Project Overcast

Also do not forget who all out there have space programs.

Think beyond NASA and Space X

Remember when I told you #JeffBezos history and how he said in his Valedictorian speech that he wanted to
build roller coasters for people in space?

Check it out!

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Jeff Bezos story and family connections. George Straight as a cousin. He will send you into orbit and give you the life of luxury! Any Takers

This was back when I reported it on my Truth Telling channel on Youtube with verified sources, but they removed it and my entire channel. Now it's on Bitchute.

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Jeff Bezos story and family connections/CIA gave $600 million to Amazon/Bezos Space Program, you in?

And don't forget about #Epstein's island neighbor from #NeckarIsland [interesting name right] who had invited the #Nexivm crew to his mansion there. . .you know, #RichardBranson
he sure does have some interesting connections right?

Guess how much trouble I got for reporting on Those connections?
You guessed it!
Censored, bashed, threatened, called numerous names and attempts to silence!
All part of being dedicated to #theGreatAwakening!
Good times!

One of those connections is former gov #BillRichardson!
That's right, from my home state where I trained, graduated and taught down in the barrillo [border school in gang ran territory]

Richardson was also named in the Epstein documents and there was stolen info on technology from a lab where some of my teachers, trainers and friends worked at.
My father was on the SWAT team connected to the national lab for security.
My grandfather also worked for a lab connected with many of the same teams in the town that used to be a secret town and built a nuclear bomb. Home of the Atomic bomb and known for some of the top scientific minds of that day!

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Since Bill Richardson was named as one of the child predators in the unsealed case of Giuffre vs Ghislaine Maxwell, isn't it time people look at all he has done?

From the above article I wrote a few years back,

Was found to be useful for the NEXIVM gang in trying to find new converts while discussing slave strategies at their "We're bored passed off as "Destination Board Meetings!"

If you're not familiar go here,
In December 2005, Richardson announced the intention of New Mexico to collaborate with billionaire Richard Branson to

bring space tourism to the proposed Spaceport America located near Las Cruces, New Mexico.

#IsaacKappy and #EricSchmidt also mentioned in here.

Remember how not just Elon has talked about a Mars project, but hasn't his brother Kimball also spoken about growing food on Mars?

Let's take a look!

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Check it, #SpaceAgriculture!

Kimbal & Elon Musk Reveal How We Will Farm Food On Mars

NASA working with the University of Wisconsin decades ago on LED's replacing grow lights?


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From Dept of Ag
Vertical Farming for the Future

According to the above link,

Recently, USDA and the Department of Energy held a stakeholder workshop focused on vertical agriculture and sustainable urban ecosystems. At this workshop, field experts shared thought-provoking presentations followed by small group discussions focusing on areas such as plant breeding, pest management, and engineering. Workshop attendees from public and private sectors worked together to identify the challenges, needs, and opportunities for vertical farming. A report on this workshop will be released to help inform Departmental strategic planning efforts for internal research priorities at USDA and external funding opportunities for stakeholders and researchers.

According to Wired,

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Check out what the United Arab Emirates is doing!
Inside World's Biggest & Most Advanced Vertical Farm

Largest one is in Dubai called #Bustanica!

Check it out here,

Some say vertical farming is failing.
Are they?
Check it out. . .

This is Why Vertical Farming is FAILING

Is it simply SHIFTING?

This is Why Vertical Farming is FAILING

To find more on the Musk family history, go here to this research article I wrote a few years ago.

History of Elon Musk, Maye Musk and his grandfather the Technocrat Joshua Haldeman who was a chiropractor and flew all over the world. Where has AI already gone and how far will it go? Neuralink and DARPA's mind meld tech!

Also see,

People mock and people get spitting mad when Elon Musk states "with AI we are summoning the demon. You know those stories where it's the guy with the pentagram and holy water? How it Doesn't work out in our favor. Nanotech. . . what Physicists found!

Okay, going forward we have No. 14 of Simpsons Predictions that appear to have come true with. . .
Virtual Reality Food
Episode 17, Series 11

As far as Virtue Reality being predicted on this show, according to Wired they predicted it as early as 1993!

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AeroBanquets RMX allow users to explore what it would feel like to dine in the digital world!

From 5 years ago. . .

Aerobanquets RMX

No. 13
Baby Translator

From Season 3 Episode 24

The Simpsons-Baby Translator-season 3 episode 24

in 2023 this is what appeared on the scene,

Zoundream translates baby cries to understandable language @ CES 2023

They use AI to translate baby cries.
They claim they can also detect pathologies and developmental disorders based on the sound of the cry.

Considered to be a baby language translator.

They had a beta phase where they tested for four years and collected the data which has allowed them to move into the next phase.

#LawAbidingCitizen? They expect YOU to play by the Rules, but They Don't?
#RulesForTheeNotForMe for those put in place to RULE over you?

I will be back with more predictions when I get a chance!
Take care everyone and continue to SHINE your Light Bright!

#TheSimpsons, #2024Predictions, #Predictions, #Trump, #AI, #Robots, #ElonMusk, #Mars, #Prophesies, #ProjectMars, #ProjectMarsATechnicalTale, #KimbalMusk

Remember how not just Elon has talked about a Mars project, but hasn't his brother Kimball also spoken about growing food on Mars?

Let's take a look!

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Screen Shot 2024-01-22 at 3.46.13 PM.png,will%20be%20used%20on%20Mars.%E2%80%9D
Check it, #SpaceAgriculture!

Kimbal & Elon Musk Reveal How We Will Farm Food On Mars

NASA working with the University of Wisconsin decades ago on LED's replacing grow lights?


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From Dept of Ag
Vertical Farming for the Future

According to the above link,

Recently, USDA and the Department of Energy held a stakeholder workshop focused on vertical agriculture and sustainable urban ecosystems. At this workshop, field experts shared thought-provoking presentations followed by small group discussions focusing on areas such as plant breeding, pest management, and engineering. Workshop attendees from public and private sectors worked together to identify the challenges, needs, and opportunities for vertical farming. A report on this workshop will be released to help inform Departmental strategic planning efforts for internal research priorities at USDA and external funding opportunities for stakeholders and researchers.

According to Wired,

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Check out what the United Arab Emirates is doing!
Inside World's Biggest & Most Advanced Vertical Farm

Largest one is in Dubai called #Bustanica!

Check it out here,

Some say vertical farming is failing.
Are they?
Check it out. . .

This is Why Vertical Farming is FAILING

Is it simply SHIFTING?

This is Why Vertical Farming is FAILING

To find more on the Musk family history, go here to this research article I wrote a few years ago.

History of Elon Musk, Maye Musk and his grandfather the Technocrat Joshua Haldeman who was a chiropractor and flew all over the world. Where has AI already gone and how far will it go? Neuralink and DARPA's mind meld tech!

Also see,

People mock and people get spitting mad when Elon Musk states "with AI we are summoning the demon. You know those stories where it's the guy with the pentagram and holy water? How it Doesn't work out in our favor. Nanotech. . . what Physicists found!

Okay, going forward we have No. 14 of Simpsons Predictions that appear to have come true with. . .
Virtual Reality Food
Episode 17, Series 11

As far as Virtue Reality being predicted on this show, according to Wired they predicted it as early as 1993!

Screen Shot 2024-01-22 at 5.02.18 PM.png

AeroBanquets RMX allow users to explore what it would feel like to dine in the digital world!

From 5 years ago. . .

Aerobanquets RMX

No. 13
Baby Translator

#LawAbidingCitizen? They expect YOU to play by the Rules, but They Don't?
#RulesForTheeNotForMe for those put in place to RULE over you?

I will be back with more predictions when I get a chance!
Take care everyone and continue to SHINE your Light Bright!

#TheSimpsons, #2024Predictions, #Predictions, #Trump, #AI, #Robots, #ElonMusk, #Mars, #Prophesies, #ProjectMars, #ProjectMarsATechnicalTale, #KimbalMusk

More info here,

  • Covid 19 outbreak Prediction, Coincidence or Prepping?
    Episode 21 of Season 4 of the show, entitled “Marge in Chains”

Check it out here,
The Simpsons - Marge in Chains May 6, 1993

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Osaka Flu - Brawl, Shoplifting & Drugs [2013 Official Video]

Interesting. . .the Mayor of Springfield cancelled his vacay to the Bahamas!
Check out the logo,

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Watch and see how they reveal the way they set up Scenes and Shows!
Are you Watching a Show? You decide!

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