The Surge | Boss #3: Big Sister 1/3

in thesurge •  7 years ago 

This is the most ridiculous and difficult boss battles of this game IMO, particularly because you're tasked with fighting the camera angle in addition to the giant robot-platform-creature thing with 6 limbs and lasers. It took me a loooong time to figure this one out on my first playthrough. Turns out you just have to keep moving, read attacks quickly, and slide in for hits whenever possible.

Did you notice my new awesome Iron Mouse armor set??? I got it from killing a bunch of robots for coins and then hitting a vending machine. In addition to being no-cost, high-defense armor, it makes all of the combat sounds cheesy and awesome, like old action movie dubs from the foley studio. I love it.

I hope you enjoyed watching me fight the massive pincers, claws, and the creepy eye thing :D I certainly had a fun time taking her down. Keep it real, Steemians!

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