Thinking, Shallow And Deep (part 1)

in thinking •  7 years ago 

There is no such thing as understanding the information.

What is the quality of your thinking?

How deep do you think?

Thinking is the root of our existence.

Deep thinking leads to deeper life.

Superficial, shallow thinking creates a superficial life.

We are not usually taught how to think. It is a skill we are hoping to learn without specific instructions.

Are you skilled at analyzing problems?

Here is a challenge for your mind for the rest of the year: Be committed to dig deep into topics of thought or knowledge, whom you take in depth care.

In his book, Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kannman says, we use two primary methods of thinking to process information and make decisions.

Mode 1 is intuitive, immediate, unconscious, automatic, and emotional.
Mode 2 is slow, rational, aware, reflective, logical, and deliberate.

At any given time, your active thoughts and actions vary depending on which mode is going on.

Slow, deliberate, focused and logical thinking often applies to complex problems.

Intentionally thought is more trustworthy but we rarely stop, reflect and make slow decisions, because in many situations our answers are automated and therefore your thinking skills need to be enhanced.

Shawla thinkers rarely think clearly beyond. They take information on the face value. A shallow thinker only sees the results of the first sequence.

On the other hand, a deep thinker looks at the full range of effects, effects and consequences.

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