Each problem has hidden within it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity.
—Joseph Sugarman
The way you think about yourself and your life determines almost everything that happens to you. Your primary responsibility is to take full control over your thinking and to keep your words and thoughts clearly focused on the things that you really want. Simul- taneously, you must refuse to think about the things that you don’t want. This simple formula is the real key to health, happiness, and personal prosperity.
This is about “possibility thinking.” This is the process of looking at everything that is going on around you in terms of pos- sibilities and opportunities rather than as difficulties or problems. Your goal is to make this a habitual way of thinking, and, like all habits, it is learnable.You can develop it with constant repetition. Eventually, you will become a completely positive and constructive person in everything you do.