you know what they say
violent videogames is why hooligans dont play fair ... they play fifa
told you gangster rap didnt make me do it ...
neither did the weed
i listen to it , amongst many many things
because it speaks to me thats why i rarely fall for your pop-schemes
no thats just me
i'm unremarkable like that ... i dont really do shit thats prone to popularity i just do me
all the time always
thats why im a narcist
i dont do "them"
i do "me"
just showing the rich kids what a poor evening looks like ...
well .. ."life" dearie .. "life"
for lack of anything this is it
i remember "foot-ball"
its that thing where they spend more money on keeping the lawn prim, the lawn that gets used on sunday, the day of the lord
spend more money on that in a month, than they do on hungry people in a year
in a shithole like this
but i hear its a global phenomenon
tekken world championships are on right now all year btw
one one one, no billions to be had
hmm, in killer instinct its quite hard NOT to hit a special move or combo actually
thats why it never made the l33t ... but i always liked it
"foot - ball" ... you say ?
heard about it
never liked it
i like the hooligans more
they're REAL
it's been a while since kungfu master thomas hasn't it ?
you call it a dead cop, i call it a bloody pig
slightly funny, vinnie :p
so what's a bum do on a night thats not cathubnight ? cos tomorrows's post was ready yesterday well
there's nothing worth my while except your silly idea of enlisting me to drain
my brain
to advance your shit while getting me nothing
which is not gonna happen so what do i do ?
i try to keep busy
welcome to the poor mans kitchen
im never gonna get one of your jobs again, i know you're scheming
but its never gonna happen
even at the risk of self-destruction i am DONE with it
sick of it
doesnt matter what you try
yea there was like two people in the world that could beat me in tekken
then i bought an xbox ?
and i sucked at it
yea well originally nina and anna, i miss Anna ... bryan but Xiaoyou is aesthetic
yah intermezzo
if i had a botnet i could wreck your chain in 24 hours on volume alone
why cant you see im not the malicious simply cos im the obnoxious
yah, popular opinion is what ive always been best at
never failed to get me laid until hickville though
the government DID do something about it
they were right to enforce birth control
as will soon be clear across the globe
no matter how it looked, because plebs be plebs, no matter the word you use
and india
are supermassive
the laws of physics apply but attributes change under pressure
there is no one rule to fit all
far be it from me
to dictate but i think they were right
and they were wrong to cave in to western morality of places where a continent has not even half the population of a country
different systems
different methods
chairman Sho-ji Catling ... "thinking in the metaverse"
well id buy it if i had the cahs
put it on cathub, let the monsters loose on it and get it released
but i dont have the money
id buy several flops
test drive unlimited for one
the original alpha centauri
not the re-mix
feeding the world is not my job until it stops breeding
heh ... it's "life"
this post will be edited several times before it is tomorrow
eccentric ?
if you're gonna call me that id feel like Tony Stark without the money
and its CATman, not BATman although theres a lot of that
there used to be right up in those trees before the BLO-gang polluted the place, now i cant hear any
we got a bowl of rice
we got dark souls, tekken and the jagulator, we got VICE
i think i'll make it through the night
i suppose i'll have to un-register myself from the state for a few months to make sure they dont interfere
sooner or later if this keeps going down
as always "lol" is in the eye of the beholder
Bruto-interesten (te verminderen met taksen en kosten)
0,02 EUR
0,01 EUR
hellgium style
you want me to organize myself so i fit in your world ?
thats why you kept beating me to make me fit into one of your excell squares while i kept telling you
its a bubble universe
reality is a venn-diagram but your pre-school teachers dont even know what they're preaching
the power of idiots in large number
no steak-money today, honey
a good friend from Viet nam once told me just eat a bowl of rice and right she was
she's onna but id call her "em"
theres at least a hundred million chinese kids drooling over it, BEGGING for child labour just so they can have one
your image of the world is skewed
born in your protected nest, you're BLIND to the reality you live in and create
no one should be allowed to run anything if they didnt survive at least one week outside with no phone
no credit card
no friends
mukashi mukashi
(see ? i rhyme better in asian than i'll ever do in flemish)
bestrafbaar betooid
i used to play this game to lvl 100 and back, now i cant make it past the first stage without getting hit
i used to run guilds, healer extra-ordinaire
and i have about two years of my life where i was forced to make do
that seem to define me
so the labels is yours and the use is mine
all hail the Yak(uman) as if its name was miyazaki or harada
but in reverse
the yak is closer to the q
something seriously damaged me, i call it "flanders" by approximation thats not far off the mark
all smart belgians have moved out unless they're into politics
i want an original jaguar too, just like i want an original c64
PLUS casseted and 1541 drive
thats gonna cost a lot of money so you better get some upvotes my way or i can never pour some down your alley
that's cos you dont look for anything that doesnt suck your dick, whaleboy
you might as well be microsoft and buy github
hoping to get some fresh ideas into a dead zone
things to do :adjust slashcat php so it renders something snazzy to copy past io just the data
yea, i'm not counting on "votes i might get", i need sustainability to be able to do my thing ... i HAVE been busy
im always busy for better or for worse
i adapted slashcat ( to render a fast copy paste for readers digest among others ... among others
among others ... this is the day where i don't do cathub, remember ?
i did a post so i might as well use it as my daily
its not me
thats's not nothing, Simon
that's right irrelevant "staying in the news"-crud better tools will erupt when time and technology allows like matter from the quantum foam i love my metaverse the universe HATES vacuums if theres a spot betcha fiver it will take half a split seconds for the contenders to be known
debatable but from a security point of view yes indeed but thats the problem right they use security holes to actually make you believe you BUY safety not their latest version i'm somewhat not down with that but considering the state of the planet i say its about time to ditch windows 3.11 unless as a hobby ofcourse i still have a VICE emulator cos i cant afford the real machine i have no idea what that cost on a second hadn collectors market
fighting law with law is usually only a good idea if you're ont the side of those who wrote it . I once got ordered to pay up for something i was paying up for after an agreement that had been running for months. I came up with the papers and they said "o sorry, sir, the process has been started, we cant stop it, protocol and shit" , THEN in court i showed that shitty judge my papers and she like O YEA but you HAVE been paying according to agreement, and then turns to the lawyer of telgacom like "why wasnt i informed of this" .
that bitch just shrugged and said "i didnt know"
result :
court verdict :"YOU HAVE TO pay what you already were paying"
actual effect : i HAD TO pay the court cost, despite the fact that i was paying
for months
and THEY sued ME
i will never have a job again unless i am my own man
i wasnt born like this
mind you, Sunde was the brainiac , the diplomat more like ... you're offending all the wrong people, the ones who hold your future, because YOU
dont seem to understand much about it
06/15/2018 04:44:25 am
havent read it completely but testing double render from ticker to both slashcat and copyable readersdigest in case needed
06/15/2018 04:12:33 am
and then microsoft bought github and suddenly open source got closed
06/15/2018 03:12:37 am
i always felt part of the middle to lower class poverty rates has always been directly connected to the attacks and neutralization of the lower black labour market ... since they cracked down on that, people simply have less money to spend on nikes and snickers ... the 'official' wage is used for saving and getting loans for large purchases but most of that off-the books money, from about EVERYONE i know and have ever known is actually daily living money which means it benefits the retail at the very least, very much indeed, so without it, its no wonder you see about only 25% of stores and cafes as you did 15 years ago, its not just the large chainstores there's just no money to spend, only money to save
06/15/2018 02:52:03 am
o dear, i think i know a few people who will eat this article alive hahah , o dear o dear, the folk you meet on steemit
06/15/2018 02:41:06 am
only members of matter may reply" i loathe elitist clubs scamming for memberships ... but i have to give it ... its quite complete, everyone knows hoffman but professor X seems to be a shady figure even in the world of "experts" in the underground ... but thing is : the only salvation is legalisation or at least de-criminalization, before the pirate bay there were floppy disks and computer clubs, "copying" was a social event , it got people together ... see the analogies and draw your own conclusions (im testing my ticker to generat a copyable page i can use for steemit posts, eyes on the future so it can post itself when it has a certain number too since i feel , due to the most suck security on the planet the only security lies in dividing steem over separate accounts so you have one password per 1000sp or something and so on
06/15/2018 02:09:05 am
the honest to gods "we are not here to save the world but actually about the money-chain" ? that should have backing ...
06/14/2018 04:17:34 pm
paypal patenting blockchain ... the end is near omg
06/14/2018 01:59:39 pm
yup , totally de-centralized right of the 1%er lobbyright, never seen that before
06/14/2018 04:33:23 am
the old story of when the unhackable object meets the unstoppable force
06/14/2018 03:42:10 am
i say, the old man looks a bit bland there , damn
06/13/2018 09:44:25 am
almost makes me wanna go asking questions on why it can't be a factor
06/13/2018 06:17:43 am
consent from the user" LOL ... i think the EU (as above) would have something to say about "consent from the 200 people in the place" but ... in the name piracism ofcourse .... that might be another case all together ... lets just plant mics under everyones doormat ... WONKY, this is gonna be retracted or lawsuits for breach of privacy will follow up one after another
besides "protect your team" ? they're going for hardcore fans, like the type who get denied access and stuff LOLOL ... most hooligans i have ever met or known would in the end sometimes simply not go due to the exorbitant pricing, so they would be the first to watch it on telly somewhere in a bar without a license to broadcast and if they're internetsavvy i betcha fiver they're the first to stream or watch it, stream simply BECAUSE it is THEIR team and they WANT it to be seen by everyone.
someone's has had themselves sold by marketeers upthere again, and someone is getting all the psychology and legalism wrong
06/13/2018 04:39:39 am
mister Huxley ... i'd almost thought it was George speaking, the UK does have a bit of a history of being soviet england when it comes to privacy, so now in the name of what about the children and toilets-for-trannies cos they cant just act normal everyone unique id , and somehow i doubt fudbook and youble will go against it, i think they'd like nothing more than an actual LAW to help them track you bettter (which they don't ofcourse since the EU has privacy laws now ...) o but is the UK actually still EU , cos like for one they never left the pound but still ... the "brexit" ...
if no one overthere gets whats going on here ? dont worry, no one overhere gets whats going on here and we can all agree on one thing, from the pov of china and the russians or a hardass like trump, the eu presidency with not even a unified EU-army ,it IS standup comedy actually , expensive for that matter, which is what leads the whole shebang to separatism ... and moreover, can anyone link me one single article where someone talks about "the breakup of the dollar"
lol ...
i suppose that's a done deal then ... so that means no more facebook no more youble ... b/c to these people that's actually the internet (o yea and twitter, they invented twitter too)
if there's one thing despots are good at its at wrecking things
06/13/2018 04:12:27 am
ahem ... cough ...
Man that must be harsh, I'm waiting for spinal surgery to be preformed as soon as my surgeon acquires his license back. I believe he learned his lesson.
LOL ...
and yea
its a miracle these heroes and defenders of I.P. (anyone remember when i.p. was like some number on the interwebz?) actually receive any punishment at all while battling at the risk of their life against the onslaught of copy-rism , i mean privacy is no excuse anymore according to the EU who just put like a zound of privacy laws in effect that probably will scare off half the US businesses here, if its about COPYWRONG, then we no longer need a warrant, and now these defenders of justice in the name of what about the children and terrrerererer .... get actually jailed just for a little tax fraud omg
if anything, combined with the maf IAA no longer getting an allowance for being leeching scum that brings zero to negative ROI, then cases light this where it actully HURTS the deluded people on top (i truly believe the actualy rich f*cks have no clue, they just get sold to like they get sold movies and series to) it really IS the trolls and lawyer trolls doing all the damage, and its them grabbing all the money, the "industry" gets nothing more out of it than a REALLY bad image, joe whateverhisname was here gets ruined for life over an audiobook and us here ? we get to have the same discussion every week hahah
yea , my shrink told me a few months ago "theres nothing wrong with me" , "so please keep taking your pills and come back next month for anohter €50 session" and i'm like
is this the advice you have been giving all those people in your 40 year career ? nothing wrong, please thank you come again ?
but i guess i cant sue that , right ? i always hated the idea of turning to paper law and cops but at the moment id consider a lot just to get a few 10k to really lift off ...
robbing banks is not an option ... takes a team of at least five and money, plain tickets and contacts up front
i have been over all of it
in detail
trust me :p
o dear ... off topic
06/13/2018 03:55:26 am
shin sekai, de laatsten zullen de eersten zijn
obviously whales, either cryptonnaires or whalestreet-aires trying to either wreck it so they can turn time back or to get "a good position" by wrecking all the lives of the small fry who invested in it ... the usual
sure, ... i see that happening here, in the SUPERDEVELOped wellfare legalist police nazi overgoverned tax state : please insert flash drive here, sir, lol
06/13/2018 01:49:15 am
ofcourse, just what i always wanted ... and here they are with python .. AGAIN
06/13/2018 01:29:00 am
o dear ... so most plebs only read two words here "bitcoin" and "kiddiepr0n" , the legal precedent goes wasted
06/13/2018 01:03:08 am
some would call it forging history, and we all know where that leads : the same mistakes cos no one remembers what REALLY happened
06/13/2018 12:15:01 am
would you look at that ? lets hope they don't allow humans too far in it, it might get infected with humanity
i think what the erudites are trying to say is Hawking was not completely right or maybe he was , god does not play dice and the universe farts
first you take my money
then you come at me with TOS, EULA and PP
like i have a chance to actually say no AFTER you take my money
thats very microsoft indeed
this is not really a post
im just aghast at the microsoft type after the fact sign-or-else maneuvre
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