This Generation is Crypto While the Last Was Fiat Bank, get on board old dogs

in thisiswhatsup •  8 years ago  (edited)

You know our generation is using Alt-Coins like investments the next generation will be using it as pocket change.

How the world changed for the better.

I'm 36 years old, born in 1980, I am a monkey and a Libra both fitting for my personality traits.

Growing up banking seemed like a foreign language. It was something I was and still am literally scared of delving into.

Growing up I always thought about investing in stocks and trading. It seemed impossible, it felt like i would need a ton of money or lots of time spent in school studying it. Shouting out to my Investor (the guy who trades on my behalf). I would get on my land line and call him and say "sell it, sell it all" or "buy buy buy:.

It's such a different world now.

Today I am the broker and all the information I need to make solid decision is at me finger tips. Sorting through the rubbish and quality is a full time job. Who to trust, who to call out as fakes is an incredibly difficult task.

Going with your gut is the best advice. Educated gut decisions will guide you to where you need to be where ever that may be.

( image credit )

If it wasn't for Steemit I would never have gotten into or even respected crypto. For half a year I used Steemit and pretty much kept it in the platform one way or another. I never cashed out until I had the amount I thought I needed.

Today I have gotten all up in the cryto alt coin jazz and so far it's working for me. Mostly luck but some things I made a good buck off of has been well thought out decisions.

My parents and grandparents think I am crazy to even dabble in this "malarky".

Bitcoin empowered me. It is empowering you. Regular folks who don't understand banking are starting to get the picture.

Of course, like all things there is a learning curve. Don't sell your house for crypto, read some posts, then sell you house. lol

Trading on the exchange has become my first game of choice. Better than the casino or guessing which colour car will drive by next.

I have made some pretty easy money trading Steem into other altcoins. I'm far from rich and nothing really to brag about compared to veteran traders but I have nothin to complain about. Many small safe gains will eventually lead several large gains, right!? Please say yes. lol

Well, these days I'm banking on Bitshares and Burst and some Steemit.

Burst is really cheap. Its been trading above 100 Satoshi the past few days. Maybe it will dip below the 100S again but I have all expectations it will jump up again. Eventually it will be steadily above 100S. En Sha La!!!

Bitshares. I have most of my money tied up in Bitshares. It sounds like a solid platform. It is well respected by most crypto experts and I, many others feel BTS is undervalued at the moment.

I bought a couple hundred worth over a month ago for close to 400 satoshi and the next day it started falling. I was a hurt because I truly expected it to go up and keep rising. I watched in heartache as my investment dropped almost 50%. I held it all I kept saying "tomorrow it will rise to the sky". I actually kept buying more, a lot more, more than double hoping to bring my buy average down.

A few days ago BTS rose to a level that cleared my buy average. I could sell it all now and turn a profit, small but respectable in percentage terms.

BTS is going to rise more and more.


Simple, its a solid platform that creates wealth. It's not creating as much wealth as it should because not enough people know about it. The more who know and try it out, the more that will experience its benefits.

It's still worth less than a penny which means if you buy it now and it goes up to a penny, which it will, you'll be laughing. You are riding the gravy train to mashed potatoevile. I am absolutely banking on it being worth a 10 cents by the summer. It's really not unreasonable considering how the markets fluctuate. If I catch that spike in June or July life will be smiles and unicorns that shoot rainbow farts. Getting in now on coins like this is the key to your future success.

Imagine this
You bought alt coins that were worth pennies today and next year it's worth dollars. That is BTS potential.

(photo credit

Of course anything can happen. BTS could crash. Doubtful, it does not fit the characteristics of a failing coin like so many others I dare not name.

I am new to this stuff only 4 months in about, and my experience will probably not be yours, thank god for that eh!! We all want unique experiences. You could be on the BitShares train riding through the mountains holding on for dear life as it makes those hard turns and passes through endless tunnels but the other side of that mountain is your heaven. It's what and where you to be.

My Point Is

If this was 20 years ago I would never have even tried to play the markets. I would have continued thinking investing in trades "is not for me, I am not connected" but today I feel like none of that matters.

All that matters is something new came along and showed me that it is possible. My kids and yours will also have a better understanding of crypto so you are obligated to learn simply to understand your off spring better, this is what they will use to pay for lunch at school or a new clothes. This is what will be their ATM card; a QR code on their sexy mobile phone that can fly and be tracked with ESP, nyuk nyuk nyuk.

Fiat and Banks are old school, we must respect them as we respect vinyl tracks from the 70's, which I really do love.

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On a scale 1 to10, 1 being completely sain, on the ball while 10 is institutionalized insanity.

Leave a comment and get my Vests!!

(P.S. IS Steemit not the happiest it has been in a couple months or am I the only guy happy to be here again, message to vets)

Not advice just my life, my experience and my expectations.

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Hi @solarguy, how old is an old dog?
I am 54 and on-board, the whole family including my kids, ranging from 16 to 21 think I am nuts, I can't get them to participate, in the mean time I am building up STEEM!!
Nice post thanks!!

there is no specific age. Just up to date or out in the cold. lol

Teach ur kids whats next man. u have an obligation. Never too old just too out of touch.

Thanks for the reply

I'm happy to be part of this new generation. I am telling all my friends and family to jump the train. Money is evolving. Crypto is now

nice post, upvote and follow you

Same here... I'm following you as well now.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

thanks man. just rolled off the tongue.

and back at ya, followed

Thank you man

What platform are u using to buy BTS??

I use poloniex 98% of the time i dabble with bitrex because Startcoin is not available on poloniex but its on bitrex. lol Poloniex is easier to use for guys like me.

thanks @solarguy, will check those out.

Crypto is the future of today.

Im banking on it. lol. and jew gold around my neck i stole from kyle. lol

Great post. This generation will change the world, be the change you want to see. Hope to see some more covering on Burst, it's an interesting coin with it's asset exchange and stuff :)

Bitshares is crucial to businesses

Congratulations @solarguy