SnOwregon 2019 ~ Post XIV ~ There's Humor In Them Thar Snows! ~ Original Photography And Discussion About The Lighter Side Of A Winter Storm ~

in thissnowreallycracksmeup •  5 years ago  (edited)

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If You Can't Laugh In The Face Of The Deep, Deep White, What CAN You Do?

The Joy Of The Lovely Of It All ~ Part XIV:

The Humor Side Of Things

Well, my friends of Steemit, seems like we've been discussing "the fall" of SnOwregon 2019 for more than a fortnight or six. And it's with a heavy heart and small tear in my eye, that I say we are getting to the bottom of the photo stack for this absolutely riveting series on snowfall. Yes, yes, I realize, it IS hard to give it up. But summer is peeking it's little head in around the corner of June like a small lion of March in summer heat, so it's about time to move on to these warmer climes of posting.

But not just YET! We still have a few things to finish up. And here they be. I figure there's GOTTA be some humor in all of these snowy situations. Somewhere. Like everything else in life, there's a bright side to the downside of all things of the world. And a mondo snowdrop from above is no exception. There has to be SOMETHING out there to elicit some lightheartedness in the face of this cold, deep mayhem.

So, WITH further ado, chuckle away. Or at the very least, experience an exuberant exhalation of light mirth.

There's Humor In Them Thar NightSnows

Enjoy away...

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Previous SnOwregon PAIN and PLEASURE Posts:

The Aftermath Part III: The Large Pile Of Sticks
The Aftermath Part II: Smaller Scale Difficulties
The Aftermath: Highway Freefall TreeFall Madness
Puffy NightSnows
Industrial Magic and Light ~ Part II
Industrial Magic and Light ~ Part I
Goin Out The Country ~ Part II
Goin Out The Country ~ Part I
Drive n' Around The NightSnows ~ Part II
Drive n' Around The NightSnows ~ Part I
Whispy NightSnows
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post II
SnOwregon 2019 THE PAIN-Post I

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The Fireplug Creed

"Neither snow nor rain nor more snow, nor gloom of night, nor MORE snow, stays these brave plugs from the swift completion of their appointed duties: putting out fires, cleaning the street, watering a short dog."

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Arborvitae Frostymuffintopsis

Wander-driving all over town, taking photos till the wee hours in the chill air makes you very hungry. With the focus often on bad-for-you snacks. Which explains why every time I drove past these bushes, all I could think of was a couple of giant, frosted, chocolate chip muffins. Big, glorious dreams die hard in this late-night snow business.

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Listen Up, Pilgrim

"Sorry folks, the stage will be late tonight. It got held up."
"By nasty-bad bandits?"
"No, bad traction. Out past Lumpy-Snow Gulch."

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If Grumpy Cat Was A Reptile

I walk past this carport in my neighborhood quite often at night. This very odd, red light is always on, way, way in the back. Behind the parked car. And I've always wondered what in the world the light was for. Can't really see well from the street, so I assumed it was a warming area for a boa constrictor, lizard, or some other reptilian pet.
But zooming in to 40X with the Lumix during our storm, I discovered the truth of the situation. It's a KITTY. Just chillin' all warm and cozy in the carport. Nice folks he has, and a nice looking kitty too. What I can see in the grainy photo anyway. Though on closer look, Kitty is making more of a Grumpy Cat face. Probably dreaming of being inside, next to the fireplace with those nice folks.

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When The Snow Gets Deep...DUCK!

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What Is Going ON Here, Late At Night?

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There was all sorts of calamitous mayhem erupting in this yard as I walked by. This odd-looking fellow came charging out in my direction from behind the bushes.

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Then this short, madcap snow-person stopped between the recycle bins, and made this spooky "Ohhh No-oooh" face in my direction. I didn't know WHAT to say. Or do. So I didn't do anything.

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Oh, THAT Explains It

This whole thing gave me the willies. I promptly left the area.

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A Typical Night In The Grocery Parking Lot

I stopped for some much-needed night snacks, but the grocer's was closed. The nerve! Then I noticed an odd snowman in the parking lot.

[Photo far right, to the left of the dumpster.]

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A Bit Of Science-Based, Diagrammatic Help

There it is, in the pink circle. Someone must have come by after closing, with a headlamp, and crafted a parking lot snowman. I suppose it COULD have been built during the day, but things are pretty busy then. I'm voting for a late night project. I'm sure everyone is now asking, "what's so special about a parking lot snowman?" Let's take a closer look...

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No 40X Zoom Needed

I don't know about you, but it seems pretty obvious to me...

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Bart Simpson The Chicken

Whoever made this had a sense of humor.

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Only on a Subaru

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I thought this was a classic. The birds didn't agree. I guess they DON'T have much of a sense of humor.

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Official SnOwregon Cocktail - A SnOwman Chaser With Umbrella

Yours Truly, hanging out above the railroad tracks, late at night. The brellie was a necessity, as this was later in the week, and the snow had turned to wet, mushy sleet. Hard on a camera for sure. But a dapper, late-night look if I've ever seen one. Evidently the people going by in cars thought so too. They kept honking and making fun little gestures in my direction as they drove by.

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In Conclusional Conclusion

Well, that about does it for the Humor Side of SnOwregon 2019. I had fun, and hope you did too. Stay tuned for more SnOwregon-The Final Chapter ~ Coming soon to a post near you.


~ Finto ~ (Temporaritudinale')

Thanks for stopping in and viewing SnOwregon 2019: There's Humor In Them Thar Snows. If you have any thoughts about large winter storms, humor in the snows, seeing more than a few photos of the large snowstorm, good ideas about how to laugh in the face of blowing snows or other events of note, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 05/30/2019 @ 14:30

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 147

More Stinky the Cat Classics from Catfacts of Yesteryear

1.0 DONE Capture SwaggerCaturday.PNG

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That looks like cream cheese frosting on those Arborvitae muffins! And that cat looks drunk from sleep and pleasant heat under that lamp. SnOwregon!

I think you're right. On both accounts. Though if it WAS cream cheese, I might have taken them home when I went. Love that stuff. I'm pretty sure the cat wasn't going anywhere fast. Even with that crooked smile. Heat and a nice, dry garage will do that to you.
SnOwregon RULES!! Or at least hangs out for a long long time on the Internet thingy.

You saved the most fun shots for last. I thought for a second that this was duck.


Then there was a duck.


But this one ... score


Fantastic work, DD:)

The first pic is a chicken with snow hat, the 2nd is choco cake with vanilla frosting 😀

Ha haa, I see the chicken now. Especially with the yellow. Though I don't think as much as the Bart Simpson fowl in the parking lot. Then again....
And I'm always seeing the choco cake thing, it seems to be a theme at this end. But there are worse things in life. Aren't there?

Maybe the chicken wanted to eat the cake.... And the snowman were part of the garbage security company...

Oh! It seems that you found many funny things while wandering among snow at night.

The kitty is very cute. Yeah! She/he would "probably dream of being inside, next to the fireplace with those nice folks", as you said.

I also like the bright little duck in snow..... Very adorable!

The photo of the bird with plenty of snow is very amazing. Great capture.

Very creative idea and great imagination! for the "Bart Simpson The Chicken"! Um! Again, DD science is involved in this snowman....

Good photos and good stories about these things with snow. I very much enjoyed.....

Have a pleasant day, GFF! ;)