I love the hell out of Thomas Sowell. I've read almost everything he's written.

in thomas •  last year 


I've also shared his answer the the question, "How can the Jews curb the hate?" His answer was, "Fail."

Within these last few months of witnessing the most hatred toward Jews I've seen in my lifetime, I've gotta say that this is one of those rare cases where Sowell is wrong -- and I'm more pessimistic.

When you look at the people (aka "morons) who hate black people for being black, or Hispanics for being Hispanic, you're dealing with people who think that they're a superior race, and that those specific people of color are leaches on society and don't deserve equal rights.

There are fewer than sixteen-million Jews in the world. They've always been hated because the Jews tend to succeed. This hatred toward Jewish success dates back a few thousand years. It's only going to get worse with intersectional rhetoric.

If you anti-Israel monsters get your way, and Israel collapses, and the Jews are dispersed across the world and living in squalor -- you're just gonna keep hating them. You're just gonna hate them for being leeches rather than hating them for being too successful.

The Quran and the Hadiths don't offer an out for the Jews. There's no passage in the texts that says, "Once the Jews lose, they're cool." No, the texts call for the death of every Jew. Once you get down to the last couple of Jews, they'd clearly be the oppressed group. Under fundamentalist Islam, they'd still be the oppressors, and deserve death.

I don't think that many of you secular, "From the river to the sea!" people are much further from Salafists in terms of your views toward the Jews as you would like to think. I don't think that you're much further from Klan members as you would like to think.

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