New payments for Thor Financial - is it fair?

in thor •  3 years ago 

Thor Financial has just reported that they will change the different payouts for the different levels of nodes. This has caused many of the community to become furious, saying that they were promised a much higher payout. Well, that is absolutely true, but I must also say that there is a shortsightedness when people complain about rewards being made smaller.

Of course, if it takes you 200 days or 100 days to earn back your initial investment does matter. But, what also matters is the price of the token. So, if the price declines to 100, you are better of receiving your rewards in 200 days at the price of $250, than at $100 after 100 days. Do you get the point? Whales who earn to much will just sell their giant rewards, and this will cause the price to dump. That isn't beneficial for anyone.

So, the thing is... I actually support these changes, even though they hurt at the same time. They have listened to the community and tried to make changes in the best possible way. That is also why they have changed some of the rewards after their first suggestion, also hurting the ODIN, the strongest whale nodes more, but I feel as if this is fair also.

Do you want to learn more about Thor Financial? YOu can find more information in this article:

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