There is no price for everything in life ... Não há preço para tudo na vida...

in thought •  7 years ago 

If we think with our soul ... Se pensarmos com a nossa alma...


Does everything in life have its price? In my opinion it is "no" but there are those who think so. This is a compelling question because it covers different visions of life, concepts and different definitions that go according to what each one thinks and acts. If we refer to material goods, professional achievements, personal ambitions, for these of course have their prices for their realization, but nothing at all if after realizing the dreams, continue to find what for everything has its price, then we miss because there is the that will never be bought but conquered, that are the feelings ... To this that fits my answer of the "no" initially.

Love, affection, empathy are good examples, strange as it may seem to those who think that feelings are foolish, that purchased pleasure replaces that which fills the void of solitude in the soul, this will never be possible, because physical pleasure ends with end of orgasm, but complete satisfaction only happens to the link between body and soul, and for this there is no price, because it goes beyond our vain philosophy ... The answers come with time, which is relentless in its silent definitions without leaving us any doubts, that before the emotions caused by the feelings, we will be eternal apprentices ...

I go this way, that feelings are not things and if one day happen to be, I do not want to be present more physically in this world ...




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Agreed, esp in the United States, we soon are to quick to drown out our anxiety and stress with alcohol and drugs, trying to fill up on a bottle that only empties you out. Working only to fill that small satisfaction of that two week paycheck, only to start again and feeling slaved on Monday morning. We can't put a price on happiness which we mistakenly attach cars, house, promotions to. Happiness cannot truly be attained that way until we start developing empathy and compassion.

Exactly, unfortunately the general dissatisfaction around the world, but still good that there are people who still believe in the positive possibilities of the feelings ... Thanks for your definition in the comment. @dynamicprecision

Nice thoughts!!

Thank you @paulo.sar :)