Mail from Alfred Schaefer - Important

in thoughtcrime •  7 years ago 


"Hi Folks,

As the title says, I dare you to watch the video below (the one with the Swastika), and then tell me that our world is all OK.
Did you know that Steven Spielberg wants to traumatize all the children in all the world with mandatory "Holohoax" experiences in "Theme Parks" built everywhere by your tax dollars in order to attain the proper "Sensitivity" to what it feels like to get gassed, you know, like those 6 million poor poor Jews got gassed when the Nazis got their hands on them? Yes yes, its true, read all about it under this link:

We gleaned so much valuable ammunition from the first round at the Inquisition. Now the inquisitor wants to put Monika and myself away for about 6,000,000 years.

Continue to amuse yourselves with bread and circus, Monika and I do not want to distract you. We will let you know when we are done.

Unfortunately they stormed the house of Ursula Haverbeck, she is 89 years old, and they showed all their manliness as they did this with a well armed team of virile men. These men are now my heroes. These are the same "Security" forces that let a Negro go after 150 other Negroes threatened them if they do not let the captured Negro go. The Negroes in Germany do not need to pay for anything anymore, they just take what they want and the Germans look the other way to avoid being called bad names. (Nazi, Racist, anti-Semite, right wing extremist.)

These same Negroes are now encouraged to bring all their family members to Germany, so that they do not suffer emotional distress.
Monika is allowed to telephone her daughter Heidi again after three months since she just called her a while ago. I don't think there should be any compassion for HOLOCAUST DENIERS, ever.
Monika knew she was not allowed to deny the HOLOCAUST so she is getting what she deserved. Right????

Like I said, go back to your bread and circus. Monika and I will do this alone.


Today is:
DAY 125 of Monika Schaefer’s loss of freedom and
DAY 2 of Ursula Haverbeck’s imprisonment.



Write to Monika at the following address:

Monika Schaefer
JVA Stadelheim
Schwarzenbergstr. 14
81549 München

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

Write to Ursula at the following address:


JVA Bielefeld-Senne
(Hafthaus Ummeln)
Zinnstr. 33
33649 Bielefeld

Dear Reader & Supporter of Ursula Haverbeck, Monika Schaefer, Sylvia Stolz and Alison Chabloz,

A big thanks to Charlotte P for sending the video of Alfred Schaefer talking about his experiences when he went to the Inquisition hearing at Dresden on May 4, 2018.

This is an IMPORTANT talk. Please take the time to view it and to share it. The beginning couple of minutes is a bit scattered due to technical issues but then Alfred gets into his discussion and his talk is excellent and informative.

Also, I’ve been given an address for Ursula by a reputable source. It’s posted above. Please write her. She’s a precious lady with the courage of a Lion.

Please share this.

Mehr Licht!

Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
“Digging to the issues since 1998”


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