More thoughts

in thoughts •  6 years ago 

I wrote this in response to this post. I am sharing it here in case anyone else may be interested, or wishes to join the conversation.

face79654_640.jpg Image by 20672 from Pixabay

1.Free will is always an interesting discussion. Whenever we choose to do something, something has inevitably influenced us to choose in that particular way. This begs the question of whether or not free will is ever possible.

2.When it comes to objective reality, no matter how hard we try, we simply cannot perceive objectively, it is beyond our capability. What's more, our perceptions constantly change which means that for us, our reality also constantly changes.

3.Infinite, or infinity is a word often used. I myself have used it. How do you define something you can't define? How can you define the limits without knowing the limits? I feel like infinity is an invitation to explore the potential, to open the mind and thought to a topic, and to recognize that we that in order to know something new, we cannot limit ourselves to that which we already know.



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"Inconceivable" is how you describe something indescribable, yet true.
We are inconceivably, yet simultaneously one with and also different from everything, including the source.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Of course. However, I choose to use infinity because for me it implies potential, and well, I like the idea of potential. ;)
I had to laugh because I don't think I can ever see the word "Inconceivable" without thinking of Princess Bride.

This thought fascinates me endlessly: "We are inconceivably, yet simultaneously one with and also different from everything, including the source."
Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Hey there, glad you found a good "Inconceivable" meme. And I'm happy to hear that you are eternally fascinated by the "one and different" meme. It originates from a Sanskrit code or text in the Vedas of India. The Sanskrit term is: "achintya bhedabheda tattva". "Achintya" is Sanskrit for "inconceivable".

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment