I am sure that things are nowhere near as difficult here in Central Mexico as they are in Venezuela.
I am thinking it would be really nice to have a raised platform for sleeping. One made out of concrete would be so good to have! Yesterday again, we had over 30 cm of water rushing like a river through our apartment for over 2 hours before the sewers backed up. (This is normal here in the rainy season.) Everything must be raised off of the floor and the smell(from the sewage) is really overwhelming. Thankfully, I live in a very small apartment. It took my daughter and I just over 8 hours of hard work to clean out the water and sewage sludge before disinfecting the floor, up the walls, and anything that touched the floor.
I don't like to spray for insects but I can't live with that many bugs, so I must spray(I don't think it is possible to live here and not use anything). Mainly, we have so many ants here, your usual bugs, termites, and spiders. There are cockroaches, but I do everything in my power to keep them out. I don't like them!!! I keep all of my food in sealed containers (glass jars). Nothing can be left out.
There are scorpions, snakes, and poisonous spiders, but thankfully, I have kept them out of our apartment!
I have cats, which take care of mice and rats. I really don't like rats. They are too big!!!
I know it is not great for the environment but I have to use diluted bleach to combat the mold, and fungus because of all the rain and high humidity. I don't know what else I can do about it!
Yeah, I can't imagine going through this with a small child. My children are all adults now.