Darkness is inevitable

in thoughts •  8 years ago 

If the speed of light is 299 792 458 m / s and the source stopped projecting. There would be light for 299 792 458 m / s coming from a source that no longer exists.

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Terry Pratchett wrote that darkness travels faster than light as it has to get out of the way when light comes along. Of course that couldn't be true or we wouldn't be able to see many stars that actually no longer exist.

Eventually the whole universe will go dark. Not sure what happens to any light still in transit then. Depends if the universe is finite or not. Makes my head hurt!

Haha I know late night thought.

Don't get me started on trees falling in a forest :)

I heard plants actually make sounds during their everyday life we just cant hear them. :)

Whispering grass, don't tell the trees, cos the the trees don't need to know...