Shield, sword, spear and axe: Forming the square

in thoughts •  5 years ago 

Each morning on which I manage to wake up is a good one...The alternative is simply not ideal...However today waking up was especially good. Like most, I wake, have a cuddle with my wife and cats and take a look at my phone - In that order. I don't follow the news and Steem is my only social media and so it's where I end up. I scroll through to see what's been going on with all you nutbags and to see what I can see.

Anyway, today the first post I read was by the indomitable @justineh which is a good way to start one's day all by itself. [Indomitable means - Impossible to subdue or defeat if you're wondering.]

I was pleased to see she's made some inroads into determining the source of what could only be described as repulsive personal attacks; Disgusting, hateful and hurtful attacks. You can read her post here if you would like.

Communities don't always gel-together and work like clockwork; We know this because there's been friction within communities since that lamentable day when humans evolved from Neanderthals to Homo Sapiens and found cognitive thought. It happened then and continues to happen now. Eventually we will disappear altogether of course, however for now we have our differences.

I've had my differences with people in the past and have handled it in various ways over the years. I've always been a big fan of forming the square, like the Vikings, and sorting out differences with shield, sword, spear and axe. It brings a swift and certain result. Of course, there's nothing wrong with pistols at 20 paces either. Spears in a Hector v Achilles style combat is a good one also. However I have been known to sort out differences with a good old-fashioned chess-off. Yeah, you know...Chess best of three. I'm sure there's other ways to do it though...Dodgeball best of three and such problem-solvers as rock paper, scissors, lizard, spock and the old-favourite, why are you hitting yourself which is a method my older brother used on me many times. Ah, the good old days. src

With the introduction of the internet attacking another person took on a different aspect though. One could do so from the safety of the keyboard, with what seems like impunity, and there's no shortage of people cowards willing to roll out in that manner. There's no risk of personal harm...Or is there?

I'm not a huge fan of it of course, as you might imagine. Hiding behind a keyboard shows a lack of courage which, in someone who intends to attack another person, is unacceptable, a distinct meanness of spirit and most importantly simple fear. Fear of reprisal, fear of ownership of their point of view and fear of being discovered to actually be an insignificant little driblet of runny shit oozing forth from the anus of pond scum. Yes, that right, that's what people who troll on the internet are in my eyes. You can have your own opinion of course, and probably do, but my opinion is that.

I have no clue as to why those attacks were aimed at justineh however as someone who was vilified and brutally tormented racially from a very young age I understand how destroying that sort of thing can be, no matter how brave a face one puts on. I wonder sometimes, if people cretins like her tormentor faced the person in real life would the diatribe of hate spew-forth as easily, or at all. Calling me something over the internet or doxing me, for instance, is one thing...Facing me and doing the same thing in person...Well, there'll be a completely different dynamic. Both will come with repercussions.

Anyway, it's good to see justineh has, with assistance, managed to locate the source of her torment, piece together the jigsaw and begin to move forward.

I think it's important to note that whilst the internet gives the illusion of anonymity, in reality and provided one knows the right people, virtually anyone can be found - In real life. I know this because I know the right people. I guess the other thing is that due to that quasi-anonymity one never really knows exactly who [in real life] it is they may be doxing or trolling. That can be a sobering thought for those who insist on not joining the rest of us humans in the modern age.

I'm happy to take up shield, sword, spear and axe in single combat against anyone - Am willing to do so, especially in defence of the weak, those unable to do so for themselves...I believe it's due to my experiences as a kid and into adulthood in being subjected to that sort of thing. I have a protective nature. But I'd rather have a few rounds of rock paper, scissors, lizard, spock or maybe a couple games of dodgeball to sort out differences. After we have done so we could have a BBQ, sink a couple Great Northern's and lie about our glory days. A much more enjoyable experience than having one's head cleft in twin with an axe or hiding in the basement, popping pimples on one's face with one hand and typing hate-speech with the other, in the hope finding that elusive feeling of self-worth in that moment one presses enter on the keyboard.

OK, so anyway...Just wanted to say that.

You know...No matter what situation a person is in, no matter in what circumstances they've been placed [or placed themselves] they can be better. You can, and I can. Trust me. That rush of satisfaction a person feels when they troll someone else is false...It goes away and the troll-er will sink to an even lower ebb, just slightly lower, each time. But it doesn't have to be that way. Here's a little thing I learned many years ago:

The best way to increase one's own feeling of self-worth is to increase someone else's.

OK, enough on that negative bullshit. I want to share the first track I listened to this morning. Music is a big part of my life and in my house it's always on. When you come over for a BBQ and some dodgeball games you'll see.

This is a track by Australian band Hunters & Collectors called Holy Grail. It was released on their Cut album in 1992. This is my favourite song by the band however they had few pretty good ones. Check it out.

Thanks for reading y'all. I hope you have a great weekend.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default

Discord: @galenkp#9209 🇦🇺

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Some people suffer a Relevance deficiency. They try to leech relevance from others to try and sustain themselves; but its never enough.

I agree, it's never enough and will never negate the lack they feel within themselves - Only exacerbate it - Usually at someone else's expense.

Posted using Partiko Android

As much as I sometimes want to hit someone, I much prefer calm resolutions (which sometimes in my case does include deciding that the other person no longer exists if no compromise can be reached).

I love that song :D

Yes, drawing a line underneath a person and moving on is a way I've dealt with people as well - It's not always that easy sometimes but I'd rather remove the toxicity from my life than keep it around.

Cool song huh? Always gets me singing [badly].

Thanks for the support and also I apologize for the negativity.. I tried to decide how to handle it in private but couldn’t come up with a way.. maybe I should have tried harder.

It seems also that they most likely are not the only ones that are behind the account, so I guess time will tell if we all get a break from the bs or not... I would much rather pick up a sword and shield as well, and I guess it continues, that might just happen.

Love the song, and I hope you have a good weekend.

The negativity is not yours to apologise for so don't you dare!

I always keep my sword and axe sharp, and close to hand, so I'm always ready for action when called upon. Been a while since the last time but I've been practising.

Hope you have a good weekend Justine. Enjoy a coffee from a big chipped mug and have a goat-break.

Posted using Partiko Android

It just goes hand in hand with the degradation of our society. People are cowards (and lazy) and the downward spiral escalates with fewer and fewer good men and women. I miss out on most of this type of thing having to steam it as my only outlet of social media, so I live in my own little world.

Posted using Partiko iOS

It seems most people value the fact the world is so small (due to the internet) however I sometimes have my doubts about it. People tend to be too busy looking outwardly to understand themselves and their own actions. It's like they don't know what to do with themselves anymore. No direction that isn't provided by the media.

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