I get myself in a rhythm.
My circular motion. From, home to work, and back again.
Then a public holiday hits. I cannot relax.
I should revel in the day but I cannot.
My anxieties kick in as my brain spins.
Torn between doing something and doing nothing.
To do something that I really don't feel like doing.
To do nothing and feel utterly useless and forlorn.
Seize the day!
Dlight in nothingness.
Work/Holiday trip pending.
I need the new challenge but loathe leaving the comfort of my self imposed, safe, daily rituals.
Even to post about this numbness causes consternation.
That's how ridiculous my brain gets.
Get a grip. Mortality is looming. What do you want?
Where to go, what to do?
On a side bar - - - as my brain flip flops flows around many different topics....
Steemitworldmaps is pretty cool.
Go and take a look, & the global posts all about, can give you some ideas!
Image from giphy.com