Just sittin' around...........

in thoughts •  7 years ago  (edited)

I was just sitting here looking out the window while my lil' ones eat vanilla yogurt and bananas in the other room watching Captain Underpants thinking how fast the year has flown by yet once more. I always used to hear the adults in my life speak of how fast they seemed to roll by when I was younger but never really put much thought into it until I started to notice it myself. It's strange to think of all the wisdom that came from them that went in one ear and out the other over my life time. I should have paid more attention right? Oh, look at that, two Chipmunks are playin' on my front porch as if they own it. They'll be headin' around to the back garden soon for a hefty garden meal I'm sure. Among other things, we had lot's of rain here in the South this year and the mosquitoes are either extremely bad to a point where you don't want to go out at all or absent completely on other days. Very strange but on the absent days it's really nice. The boy and I have been fishing quite a bit this year in the pond and have had many great adventures over there. He's learned how to bait his own hook and how to "gently" release the fish once unhooked. My daughter even caught her first fish this year and that, for me, was a treat. It was a bluegill and she still talks of that monster fish she caught :) I did also open a byteball wallet and get involved with that here on steem recently. Have any of you done this as well? It seems like a no brainer as it's another CrYpTo in the portfolio that may have potential in the future. Who knows right? I try to get in on and do all the free bee's that I can at this point just to build my portfolio as much as possible. Some of these to mention are electronium, Superiorcoin , dogecoin, digibytes, and now bytecoin bytes. Thoughts on these are welcome as I'm always curious to others ideas. To me, like many things in life, they're a gamble so the free bee's are very attractive to me. There's plenty of info going around about it here on steem so check it out if you'd like. Well to all of you reading this I say happy day to you and yours! Enjoy each other and get out there and take in some of that awesome sunshine! Don't think to hard of the issues in your life........ just breath look around with the breeze on your face and realize just how lucky you are to be here. The world is a beautiful place just awaiting your footsteps..................

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