Set the world alight

in thoughts •  7 years ago 

As children we dream of great things, being our best, scoring the winning goal in the final, saving the day. What happened? Have we all lost the will to make things better, all crushed by the drudgery, the day in day out struggle against those who will oppress, push us down and restrict our movements? Have we all given in to the powers that be and said, I will take what ever scraps you serve, no matter how rancid?

We can all do better, should all be doing better.

I never dreamed of being anything when I was a kid, I rarely fantasized about scoring the winning goal, all I really wanted was to have the chance to be my best. It was only later in life that I realized that we all have that chance every moment of every day, no matter what life situations we may face or, have been born into.

It is not easy to accept this.

We want equality but we think that equality means everyone get treated the same, has the same, experiences the same. That is not equality, it is dystopia and if it did eventuate, it is the end of humanity for when we are all the same, it is no longer necessary to cooperate, interact, communicate at all. Community itself becomes pointless.

You may want to argue.

Good, you should argue, you should voice your displeasure, complain about the world and all of its problems but, you better be prepared to listen also and, act when the time is right. Those who act will be punished by those who don't, those who are too fearful but, it will be those who act who change the world for better and for worst and those who don't who will become victims of change, for better or for worse.

It is easier to be the victim.

At what point do we take responsibility, stand up to our fears and say, enough is enough, I am going to move with or without you? When do we make the decision to stop being victimized by the world and take whatever small slice of agency we might have and use it the best we can? It is not the size of you resources that matter, it is how you use them.

How are you using your resources?

[ a Steem original ]

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When do we make the decision to stop being victimized by the world and take whatever small slice of agency we might have and use it the best we can?

Well, we don't. Most of us don't, anyway. It's hard not to be the victim, because then who do you got to blame? Yourself? Yeah, like who wants that...
It's much easier to just play the victim, it's easier to imagine it's never the right time. For anything. To act. To become who you dream of becoming. Because you might fail and that's a truly horrifying prospect.

Because you might fail and that's a truly horrifying prospect.

Perhaps enough failure and we die. At least the ego part of us. Maybe then we are free to live.

What a stunning photograph!

Thanks, it is taken at Santalahti harbour.

If the weather is good, I might go there to take some photos if I happen to be in Tampere. It might not be the right place to shoot sunsets even at midsummer. Have you been there at sunset in the middle of the summer?

These are also from santalahti

These should come with the nsfw tag! The colors are downright pornographic. I like the second one in particular.


There is a lot of money involved in victims and the poor

convince people they are victims
collect money to help the victims
convince victims that they need your support (repeat)

Non-profits make themself rich . (not all but most)

people fall into this trap every day . and once your in its hard to escape

very limited explanation but true . The problem is that people don't see when they are being manipulated . It's understandable because on small levels they are bombarded all day long . Ask someone who was scammed on a phone call . they never saw it coming and fell right in .

it is a similar way to create targetedenemies.

  • Convince them they are oppressed
  • convince them of who is to blame for their oppression

@tarazkp The system works .
And it works because people are afraid to ask questions .
Questions are the defense . The tool used to prevent manipulation . Uncover the truth or motive . Everyone has this tool .

Man needs to accept his station and allotment in life, rather than grasping towards that which is beyond his class. I agree with your sentiment regarding using the given resources and qualities to their maximum potential within the given station in life.

Not many will ever change their given position without a lot of work and a lot of luck but, they can perhaps experience better than worse no matter where they are.

There's nothing wrong with being your best, unless you're the worst at knowing what's good for yourself.
That sounded better in my head.

Good or bad, more fun to try than to sit still and scream at a moving world.

That sounded better in my head.

lol, that is most of what escapes mine.

People being unequal is an underlying characteristics of the world you know, imagine if were all equal on steemit, same steempower and all, will I even come here to interact? I'm not saying I won't, but the thing is, equality/dystopia, makes people think they have all, and need nobody really, amazing post sir, this is educating.

How are you using your resources?

I have not been smart enough when it comes to management of resources not until of resent that I have to teach myself another lesson about life and management after facing with the issue of depression.

I love making others happy forgetting the fact that I needed to keep myself happy too. Their is more to this statement, but me just stop right there for the privacy sake.

Now, I've learnt my lesson and I am becoming the best version of myself

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are very right friend, we dream so small, we believe that the world is a place where we will all get the same and over the years our dreams are erasing, we realize that everything is not fair, or rosy... It is there when we learn to use circumstances to what we believe will benefit us... Time heals us, teaches us, changes us.

Today, thanks to you, I was able to know how the mechanism to buy STEEM POWER is... The truth was something new and I started for your support... Blessings for your family and for you... You are a person dedicated to this project!!

How are you using your resources?

it is not to easy in underdeveloped countries. More in authoritarian governments. I write this with property, i live in one.

It is not the size of you resources that matter, it is how you use them.

it is frustrated, to many talent here, with wish of make the thing better, but in almost cases..

it can´t be done :(

nice Post, is a shame the people that can make a lot of thing because have resources, but they does nothing ...

Yeah you are right man
Everybody has a great dream in front of them but action they takes towards achieving it matters alot.

The obstacles we encounter every day in becoming the best is what keeps the world going, before achieving your dreams you discover that you have learnt alot of leasons that will reshape you in to a better person.We aint equal thats we struggle every day to be better than yesterday.Thanks for sharing @tarazkp

Certainly, the focus in our dreams should be as a child who sees his own ... so that it is faith, the impulse to achieve success and effectively change that paradigm on the same as clearly explained in your comment; For the same regarding the successes that we obtain does not lie in being equal, since this contravenes the sound logic that each one obtains according to the effort and integrity that he applies in the journey towards his goal.

settle the differences of integral birth to convergence, hence the importance of not being equal. and better than to complain is to face the problems that afflict us. your reflection is very accurate; I think it leads to a better and saner philisophy of our attitude in the face of misfortune.

How are you using your resources?

As of now, investing most of my paycheck in crypto. Keeping my budget low by just buying the things that I need. I was naive when I was young. Don't want to do that mistake again.

I was naive when I was young. Don't want to do that mistake again.

Some people never grow up, just bitter.

I believe in luck and fate and I believe in karma, that the energy you put out in the world comes back to meet you.

Very powerful piece. Thank you for sharing!

watching dream is so easy but fullfill or completed our dream is very difficult ...there are many problms obstacle to complete our i say watching dream without obstacle....amd work hard to remove all the obstacle

Every child has a future thinking or dream. As it is among the guardians, the child has to work for evolution. Thanks @tarazkp

Hi Taraz. Stunning photograph. You have many talents. It is true you need to listen . Those that listen learn and understand more and will know what to do. I don't listen enough and have learnt to listen. This has given me thinking time now and I have benefited.

It is evident that there are many including me that we sometimes have a lack of appetite for wanting to change the course of things but lately you have been part of some friendships as spiritual guides and positive psychologists, I have been filled with desire to take the first step to make the routine of a turning point in my life and believe that I have had positive changes, I moved last year to live alone and at first I was afraid of loneliness but already one year later I realized that it was the best decision, you have to think about how to restructure complicated situations and make them simpler, nothing is impossible you have to know how to be intelligent when using resources, thank you for this information, for a better world and for more people willing to do something positive in life