Thoughts from a Park | Same Park, different thoughts

in thoughtsfroma •  6 years ago 

WhatsApp Image 2019-06-20 at 07.01.19.jpeg

They say we are never the same. You are not the same person you were before reading this post. I am not the same person I was before writing this post. With each expereince, no matter if it's small or gigantic, we change a bit, every conversation had means an added perspective to our mindset and worldview; as we interact with the people around us and the world we learn, we evolve, we become better - or worse, depending on the experience and how you deal with it. I try to make every learning experience a positive one and I hope you do too, but I knw it's not always easy and I am certain I haven't done this on every occasion in the past.

I was in this park, sitting in this very same spot. I wrote about ambition vs. overambition and how we all could learn to control that constant stress that comes with being overambitous 24/7. I still think that, none of those thoughts written last week facing this pond in the middle of the park have changed.

But one tihng changed in me. I knew I was going out biking today and I wanted to come to this park - out of the tens of options in Salzburg -, but I didn't want to spend my time around nature checking my phone and thinking about steem, or maybe even writing a post facing my screen all the time. I didn't want to be phone dependent and instead try to relax and be one with nature.

So... I decided to bring my notebook with me instead of my cellphone. Then I realized I had to bring my cellphone if I wanted to track my @actifit activity, so I brought it but promised to myself I wouldn't turn on the data or use it to do anything other than tracking my steps and take the picture I used for thumbnail on this post. The point is, I decided to bring my notebook.

The very same notebook that I used to write my posts in back in Central America two years ago. The exact same notebook where I wrote my first steem private keys (remember what they say, store your private keys in a safe, physical place that can't be hacked) back in April 2017. Exactly the same notebook where I wrote my post ideas and some manuscripts and post drafts that never became real; where I still have a long list of post topics I want to write about, but I only attack each topic whenever I'm in the specifically perfect mood to write about said topic. The notebook that has some of my most stupidly long posts written while riding a chicken bus or while trying to fall asleep in an internet-less place in the middle of the jungle in the Caribbean, back when manual curation was a thing.

WhatsApp Image 2019-06-20 at 07.03.13.jpeg

Oh yeah, if you think that some of my current posts are long and full of pictures, you have no idea, you should've seen my posts back in the day... back then my posts were at least 5 times longer than what my longest post of 2019 is. But back then my only duty - or hobby - was traveling solo with the lowest budget ever. I didn't have any real Steem Power to be bothered to have internet access at all times; my only Steem activities were posting, commenting, doing some voting with my 2k SP, replying to comments on my posts and the occasional conversation on (back then it was, not and discord wasn't 1% as popular as it is today in our community)... nowadays, I have a ton more to do Steem related than just posting and reading. I miss having time to interact with the community the way I used to do it, and I miss being able to write amazingly long posts, with a ton of pictures, telling a story and letting the readers immerse in my posts; man, you should see the comments I used tto get in those posts... that was real engagement. I really hope the community goes back to really engaging, and I hope that I can go back to posting that kind of quality posts at some point in my life.

But now, I have other Steem responsibilities and I engage with the community in other ways. I focus in other parts of the community and not that much in the content creation area, but still, I love writing posts and I will never stop doing it, and maybe once a day or once every two days, I try to make myself some time to write posts like this one that, despite being so much shorter than what I used to write before, they are still from the heart and trying to share with you, Steemians, my thoughts, my day to day and my life.

I hope you enjoyed this post as half as I enjoyed writing it, then I'll know that you really liked it :)

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I remember reading and seeing the photos of those early posts and being so much in awe of your travel adventures. We do change, as circumstances take us in different directions, and seeing where we all are at becomes more amazing to me each day when I look at my computer screen and see how rapidly things in our community change each day. !ENGAGE 100

Oh really? I'm glad to hear there's here people from back then, there's only a handful now. I didn't know why I didn't follow you, I know about you for a long time and even read/vote your posts... Hmm weird. Now I fixed it! Thanks for the engagement tokens! I have the ability to give them also, I think I'll start doing it :)

I'm quite honored to have you following me! I am always surprised when I realize I am not actually following someone that I always enjoy reading.

I love getting engagement Tokens. They are something of an indicator that I am doing things right here!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The Way of life 🙂

I love your handwritting! I didn't know you are a journal type of guy. I used to have my diary with me too, I love to write down my thoughts for the day. Or basically just talk things to myself.. hahahaha..

But really, its great to be apart from the screen once in a while. Yes! There is more to life than just being on your phone.

I love how you bond with nature!

Yeah, I'm that kind of guy, carrying a journal everywhere haha. My brother does something's similar to you, just writing thoughts and stuff.

Thanks so much for your comment!


Well I would to meet your brother anytime haha.. I do want to do those journalling days back, but it seems my hands are full at the moment. I really want to be artsy just like any planners I see going trending with their planner designs and all. I wonder where they get all the time for that though... maybe that is why I am better off just writing things down than thinking of what designs to create! 😂🤣

Ooh btw! Thaaaaaaaaaaaks for the token! ❤... that is beyond sweetness!

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That is really impressive. I used to journal quite extensively, but I have kind of gotten out of the habit over the years. In fact you could probably say that Steem is more my way of journaling these days. I think it is really cool to see how you have grown from your early days to the influencer that you are today. It should give lots of hope to some of the smaller accounts out there.

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I miss journaling with pen and paper. I miss the days when we don't rely on social media as much now that we have time to sit under a shade and write. I must say you have beautiful penmanship unlike me sometimes i can't evem understand what i wrote lol! I agree we change all the time consciously and subconsciously. When is ambition become overambition? I guess it depends from person to person.

I find something very therapeutic about journaling and particularly in handwritten form. I think in today's world, it's a bit of a lost art form honestly. I know that in business interactions, some of the best comments I've received back were in regards to handwritten thank you notes or correspondence that someone received.

I think both forms of writing have worked very well for you: the short ones and the long ones because you have great success within the platform and many followers. However, if you want to write a long post I think you're right because if that's the way you feel better writing, then do it that way. A hug and I hope you enjoy your stay over there. Greetings.

I miss the engagement we used to get, too - so many people whose posts and comments I enjoyed are just gone, or very rarely around, anymore. I get that for many it's because the money was their motivation and without ATH payouts, they can't be bothered. Off to the next side hussle, or whatever. But I know that's not the case with all the gone people.
Unless it is, in which case they'll all come back the next time crypto moons whining that it's unfair that all their old friends who stayed are dolphins and they're still plankton, lol.

I remember those times too. We were few and it was easier to welcome new ones read posts and engage. Things have changed a bit and I can't do it in a regular way.

I knowwww, you pretty much got to read everyone's posts and of course rewards were higher, but as someone mentioned above, everything changes, its just about how we react to these changes :)

We are also very glad that you continue to post!


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