3 Golden Nuggets a day - on Cultural Bias and Feminism

in three-nuggets •  7 years ago 

It was mind blowing to me to discover the line of reasoning in Harari's "Sapiens" behind what is deemed "natural" behavior by the society I am part of and why that is.

  • Classic Read

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Harari

My one golden nugget:

  • How To's:

Palihapitiya on Speaking Out in Silicon Valley

My one golden nugget:

Not looking for the best people independent of cultural biases is dumb business.

  • Biography:


My one golden nugget:

Obeying the law of the land vs personal interaction between religions

Reading Lists

There are books that I reread regularly, but at the moment I read new books in trying to identify the best books to reread while trying to push my learning boundaries. So far I got to organise my future reading in 6 lists, main readings for each time of the day:

and 3 lists of books that look interesting but haven't got enough information for them:

For people who just wanted to know how to choose what to read by Tai Lopez' talked of principles.

Do you have a book or resource that would like to see what nuggets I can get out from for you ?

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What is natural is that which perpetuates the existence of the organism in question.

For a man having sex with a women means the genes he carries have a higher likely hood of success.

Not all ways of survival are direct. For example a man who cannot have children may still increase the popularity of his own genes by helping with his relatives children or simply helping society at large.

From this "selfish gene" perspective with a focus on natural selection. I don't think homosexual interactions cause any increase in the likelihood of gene survival. Though I may be wrong on this.

I don't recommend sodomy for anyone. I would never do that to a woman or a man.

Reason is the anus is an area of high concentration of ecoli. Anal insertion can cause small cuts in this area. Thus ecoli can go into these cuts and cause infection.

Though there may be a cultural and evolutionary reason that humans will attempt to push depopulation.

The argument that humans need depopulation now and homosexuality is an effective means of that, is one thing I'm definitely considering.

Overall I discourage sodomy for both men and women. But at the end of the day everyone has the right to do anything I'd it doesn't effect others negatively.

Great point @kirkins. I think I am on the same page with you in regards to this line of thought.

However there are 2 questions that have deterred my line of reasoning.

  • Is Sex only an act of attraction and an attempt to pass on your genes ?

  • Are people in power still interested in passing on their genes and gene survival ? (as it is more likely that people in power are not interested in procreation due to age and convictions)

My journey towards finding answers to this questions is still undergoing, as there are plenty examples in our history of systems that have not survived enough to have their story told unbiased.

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