3D Organ Printing is Science Fact not Science Fiction

in threedprinting •  8 years ago 

Hey guys, I am back to present to you my final essay in 3D organ printing. I will also include the references from my paper in the description box on YouTube if you would like to do your own outside research. Enjoy! xo Stasha
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3D Organ Printing is Science Fact Not Science Fiction
Atala, A. (2011, March). Anthony Atala: Printing a Human Kidney [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/anthony_atala_printing_a_human_kidney
Balbright. (2015). Low-Cost human organ printing, Rapid Ready Tech. Retrieved from http://www.rapidreadytech.com/2015/11/low-cost-human-organ-printing/
Berthiaume, François; Maguire, Timothy J.; Yarmush, Martin L. (2011). Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: History, progress, and challenges. Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Retrieved from http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-chembioeng-061010-114257
Hadjer, M. (2017). 3D Printed organs. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@hadjer_menni/3d-printed-organs-2ad8c933558a
Murphy, Sean V; Atala, Anthony (2014). 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs, Nature Biotechnology. Retrieved from https://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v32/n8/full/nbt.2958.html
National Kidney Foundation. (2016). Organ donation and statistics. Retrieved from https://www.kidney.org/news/newsroom/factsheets/Organ-Donation-and-Transplantation-Stats
National Organ Transplantation Act of 1984. (Oct. 19, 1984). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Organ_Transplant_Act_of_1984
Williams, R. (2014). The Telegraph, 3D printing human tissue and organs to 'spark ethics debate.' Retrieved from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/10604035/3D-printing-human-tissue-and-organs-to-spark-ethics-debate.html

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