I got an email from Coinbase that I the income I made for 2021 is taxable and
I am required to report it to the IRS. I found a tutorial on how to import your
earnings history to Turbo Tax. Then I saw I owed 1400. being chronically ill, on
disability, and only get 100-300 extra from content creation. I went into panic
mode. I am aware you can lower what you owe if you
write off the equipment needed for your empire. One of TT's reps walked me
through the process and that saved my ass.
I explained to the rep that I post videos on these sites and Coinbase( or any other wallet)
is how I get payments)
Going forward. Except for Duzz posts. All of my content will be scheduled.
the link to where you can watch: https://3speak.tv/watch?v=aaliyahholt/wthkotno