Evidence of MK Ultra Programming, Who is Sydney Gottlieb and what does he have to do with the El Paso Shooter? Follow the Money

in threespeak •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Many have been hearing about mind control programming for some time. Do you mean the CIA Now admits it?

You decide for yourself!

Sydney Gottlieb (born Joseph Scheider)
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  • an American chemist and spymaster best known for his involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency's 1950s and '60s assassination attempts and mind control program, known as Project MKULTRA.

  • born in the Bronx as Joseph Scheider in 1918

  • received a Ph.D. in chemistry from the California Institute of Technology

  • A stutterer from childhood, Gottlieb also earned a master's degree in speech therapy

  • He had a club foot, which kept him out of service in World War II but did not prevent his pursuit of folk dancing, a lifelong passion.

Gottlieb's Career with the CIA

  • In 1951, aged 33, Gottlieb joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  • He was a poison expert so worked for the chemical division of the Technical Services Staff (TSS)

  • Nicknames. . . the "Black Sorcerer" and the "Dirty Trickster.

  • He supervised preparations of lethal poisons and drug experiments in mind control.

“Within Technical Services MK-ULTRA projects came under the control of the Chemical Division, headed from 1951 to 1956 by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.

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Project MK Ultra

  • In April 1953 Gottlieb became head of the secret Project MKUltra

That is a 3 for April and 2 nines if you watch their use of numbers. As above so below those 9's are also 6's.
Just taking the 3/66 equals 1/22 so you can also get a series of a 322 which is also

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Or form the 1953. . .5+3 +1=9, the other 9 and the 3

This MK Ultra program was activated on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles

Gottlieb's job capacity included,

  • administering LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs to unwitting subjects and financed psychiatric research and development of "techniques that would crush the human psyche to the point that it would admit anything."

  • He sponsored physicians such as Ewen Cameron and Harris Isbell in controversial psychiatric research including nonconsensual human experiments.

Ewen Cameron

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a Scottish-born psychiatrist who served as President of the American Psychiatric Association (1952–1953), Canadian Psychiatric Association (1958–1959),American Psychopathological Association (1963), Society of Biological Psychiatry (1965) and World Psychiatric Association (1961–1966).In spite of his high professional reputation, he has been criticized for, among other things, his experimentation on adults and children as well as his involvement in child sexual abuse, administering electroconvulsive therapy and experimental drugs, including poisons such as curare, to patients and prisoners without their informed consent, and his role in the history of the development of psychological and medical torture techniques. Some of this work took place in the context of the Project MKUltra program for the developing of mind control and torture techniques, psychoactive poisons, and behavior modification systems. Decades after his own death, the psychic driving technique he developed continued to see extensive use in the torture of prisoners around the world.

Harris Isbell

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an American pharmacologist and the director of research for the NIMH Addiction Research Center at the Public Health Service Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky from 1945 to 1963. He did extensive research on the physical and psychological effects of various drugs on humans (imprisoned narcotics offenders, see below). Early work investigated aspects of physical dependence (an important aspect of drug addiction) with opiates and barbiturates, while later work (at least partially funded by the Central Intelligence Agency as part of the MKUltra project).

Gottlieb was the liaison to the military subcontractor Lockheed,

  • then working for the CIA on Project AQUATONE, which would later be known as the U-2 spy plane. In 1953 he procured a safe house for the Lockheed Aeronautics Services Division (LASD) with an easy and exclusive egress.

Military Industrial Complex at it's finest?

How they Justify spending Trillions of tax payer money for Their programs as people around the world suffer!

In 1955 Project MKUltra had grown so large that more government funding was needed. At this point subproject 27 (basic research of LSD) was merely a funding subproject that combined all previous subprojects, including those involving

  • LSD, payment to Sandoz Pharmaceuticals

  • magic and John Mulholland's The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception (subproject 15 magic support, Mulholland Supplement)

  • the procurement of more LSD (subproject 18), but it continued on to include almost 150 known and documented subprojects, including a microwave gun and the search for alternatives to LSD,

  • which led to later programs like Project MKCHICKWIT, most of which focused on South America.

In addition to working with subcontractors like Lockheed, the CIA also worked with other branches of the government, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the Department of Defense and the Office of Naval Intelligence, though it is unclear what role Gottlieb played in these affairs other than authorizing them.

Now that's useful as the arpanet (frontier of the internet we all Now engage on) was designed as a weapon.


Cuban Involvement

In March 1960, under The Cuban Project, a CIA plan approved by President Eisenhower—and under the direction of CIA Directorate for Plans Richard M. Bissell—


  • proposed spraying Fidel Castro's television studio with LSD and saturating Castro's shoes with thallium to make his beard fall out.

  • hatched schemes to assassinate Castro, including the use of a poisoned cigar, a poisoned wetsuit, an exploding conch shell, and a poisonous fountain pen.

  • Gottlieb also played a role in the CIA's attempt to assassinate Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Congo

  • he took a vial of poison to the Congo with plans to place it on Lumumba's toothbrush in the summer of 1960.

  • He transported these "toxic biological materials" to Larry Devlin, the CIA station chief in the Congo, although Devlin declined the assignment and a military coup soon overthrew and killed Lumumba.

  • Gottlieb also wanted Iraqi General Abdul Karim Qassim's handkerchief to be contaminated with botulinum.

Gottlieb retired from the CIA in 1972, saying that he did not believe his work had been effective.

I believe he spent his final years raising goats. . . among other things.

Colin A. Ross

  • a Canadian psychiatrist and was president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation from 1993 to 1994.

  • works in the Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma, a hospital in the Dallas, Texas area.

  • directs a trauma program at Forest View Psychiatric Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

  • Most of the people the Ross Institute treats describe very traumatic and abusive childhoods.

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See more in Sources below.

Here how in these Higherside Chats,

25:00 Colin describes his previous interactions with none other than, Sydney Gottlieb. Notoriously accredited with spearheading the CIA’s efforts to control the human mind, Gottlieb took part in numerous military intelligence experiments, from using LSD on unsuspecting Americans, to leading the charge on MK ULTRA.

44:00 From possession to entity invocation, Greg and Colin discuss the occult aspects in mind control. Ross helps connect the dots between top CIA officials consulting on mind control experiments, destructive cults, and cult mind control methods.


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According to Dirty Laundry,

John Bryan Crusius is Patrick’s father. He is a counselor involved in “Infused Being Therapy” in Dallas, Texas. He specializes in trauma and PTSD. Crusius’ web page notes he worked for the Timberlawn Mental Health System in Dallas.

Timberlawn closed down in early 2018. The psychiatric hospital was investigated for patient abuse, including rape. Timberlawn is owned by Universal Health Services, a Fortune 500 corporation in the hospital management business.

In 2016, Buzzfeed ran an expose showing the corporation is responsible for a number of questionable practices at its nationwide facilities. In addition to accusations UHS defrauded Medicare, the report lists a number of other serious violations, including holding patients solely for financial gain.

So once again, we can just follow the money!

When you try to find this article on Buzzfeed right now you get,

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According to Guns in the News,

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FOIA documents from CIA regarding Project Bluebird:

FOIA documents from CIA regarding Project Artichoke:

The Real Story of Jacob’s Ladder: Government Drug Test and the Ladder”: http://www.the13thfloor.tv/2016/08/08/the-real-story-of-jacobs-ladder-government-drug-tests-and-the-ladder/





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