What is Coin Gallant and How Can It Help Me

in threespeak •  5 years ago  (edited)

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What is Coin Gallant and how can it help me?

I'm glad that you asked that question. If you guys don't know me already, my name is Ken Melendez. I'm the founder of Coin Gallant and it's the brand that I'm building. It's an educational brand that centered around blockchain and cryptocurrency. Why am I doing this? Because I love to teach and explain the things that I'm passionate about.

Somebody was asking me today what my brand means, why I picked the name and what it exactly does. So I want to explain that in this video right now. So the name Coin Gallant, I wanted it to be something that is recognizable. So when you see the word coin, you automatically think of money. Perhaps you think of cryptocurrency as well. I chose the word gallant after it because I wanted this brand to be about strength, about courage, about boldness, and about taking action. I feel that the word gallant really represents that well.

And so if you guys see my logo, basically what it is, is my brand name around the rim. And then also a B, the bitcoin B with two swords going down the center. The reason I chose that, I actually got a bunch of different designs back from my designer, but the reason that I went with that one is because it really represents what I want this brand to be about. I want it to be about cryptocurrency education from an entrepreneurial perspective, and I want it to be about taking courageous action. I felt like the words coin and gallant going together would be perfect for that.

Having a logo that represents that message clearly would just be, you know, the cream of the crop. That is what I'm going for. So it's me sharing my experiences with you and helping you to grow as an entrepreneur, as someone who is into cryptocurrency and blockchain technology or you're wanting to learn about it, you're interested in it and you want resources, you want people who already know a little bit about the industry to help you along in your progress.

You want some help possibly building your portfolio. And that's one of the things that I'm really passionate about is how can cryptocurrency and blockchain technology really transform our personal finances? How can it do that? You know, how can we take this new technology that's only been around for about 10 years now? How can we take it and create personal wealth for ourselves, for our family, for our communities, even for the entire world. You know, that's what Coin Gallant is about. It's about sharing knowledge with you, sharing the wisdom and experiences that I've gained throughout my journey.

I'm going to be bringing on other people onto this channel as well who are going to be giving their insight and I'm going to be interviewing them and it's just going to be a great time as well. I'm not going to be doing that right away but I expect to be doing that in the near future.

Right now I'm working on a book, it’s actually the second installment in the Coin Wise series. If you guys haven't been to https://coingallant.com, I highly recommend that you go there and you can see the two books that I'm working on right now. One is on bitcoin and the other one is on steem because those are two of my favorite coins to invest in to spend time with.

And so, I've already got the bitcoin book published, which I'm actually working on a revised version right now. And then I'm working on steem addition as well. So a lot of things are happening with this brand. You know, I plan on releasing more books, holding my own events and doing a lot of different things, creating more free video content, the whole gamut. So this is really a compiling education brand. So I'm putting everything together, putting all the pieces together and just culminating my wisdom, gaining as much knowledge as I can from people who even have more experienced than me who have been in longer or just, you know, are smarter than me.

You know, obviously there's going to be people smarter than me. There are people smarter than you as well, so we all need each other to learn and grow together. And so Coin Gallant is really the culmination of everything that I've learned. Everything that I'm going to be teaching to you guys in these videos and my blog posts in my books, my courses, my seminars, my webinars.

I want this to be a worldwide, premium education brand for cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. And so if you haven't been able to tell that already, then definitely check out my other videos on this channel and also check out my website coingallant.com. So what I'm doing right here guys, is just building a community. I'm just sharing what I'm passionate about and hopefully it resonates with you.

Hopefully the information that I'm sharing through this channel is going to resonate with you in a different way. You know, you can hear the same message over and over, like say you go to church, you can hear the same message over and over, but when you hear it from someone else for the first time, you hear that same message, but it's packaged differently. It's from a different perspective, then you get a whole new meaning for that exact same passage of scripture than you did from before, from the other times that you heard it.

And plus you're in a different point in your life so you're more receptive to the information at that point in your life. So I'm really glad that you took the time to learn more about Coin Gallant. Like I said, check out the website, I'm going to link to it below… it's not completely finished, but I'm working on it, you know, putting on the touches right now, continually updating the site and getting ready for the event that I'm going to be launching, launching in August.

And if you've seen, you know, one of my videos around this video, you'll see where I posted about the specifics about that. So definitely check that out. I'll link to that as well below this video. So thank you guys for watching this video. If you have any questions, drop them below in the comments, shoot me a message, let me know.

If you would rather do email, my email is [email protected]. You can go ahead and email me there and I'll do my best to respond to you. Any questions or concerns you have about Coin Gallant, about cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, definitely reach out to me and let me know what's on your mind, what's on your heart, and I'll do my best to get back to you.

So thank you friend again for watching this video. I will see you in the next one until then. Stay awesome. You are awesome. I believe that 100% even if you don't wish, hopefully you do and take care, have an amazing rest of your day.
Resources mentioned in this video:

Coin Gallant Official Website: https://coingallant.com
Mineshift Elite Mastermind Intensive: https://coingallant.com/mastermind

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You know, obviously there's going to be people smarter than me. There are people smarter than you as well, so we all need each other to learn and grow together.

I think a person is doing well when they are surrounded by people who are smarter than them @kenmelendez.

I personally enjoy being around people with a high IQ and a strong educational background but it's important that they are not overly biased.

Yes, absolutely Chris. If you are the smartest person in the room, you need to find a new room!

Coingallant? Seems Cool Definitely you're doing an amazing job Ken and after seeing all your ebook proposal on steem months ago I'm definitely thrilled. So from your perspective it really shows people how to go about steem and Bitcoin? It's definitely going to help people answer a lot of questions expecially those looking for the reason to buy in.

Thank you @josediccus. It's an honor to serve and help people understand this amazing technology we have at our fingertips.

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