German Synagoge Shooter (Footage)

in threespeak •  5 years ago  (edited)

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On Yom Kippur 2019 a young white German tried to enter a
Synagoge in Halle an der Saale (Saxony-Anhalt). As he
could not enter, he shot a German women passing by and later killed another person at a Kebab store (not shown in the footage).


00:05 Shooter Manifesto

00:20 Arriving by car at the Synagoge

00:40 Trying to bomb the door

00:50 Murder of a German women passing by

01:02 Tying to open another door

01:22 Shooting at a Kebab store

01:38 Shootout in the streets of Halle

▶️ 3Speak

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After this video was deleted from 3Speak, I posted this on their Discord and re-post it here for documentation on the blockchain:

Why was the terrorist attack video from the Halle synagogue shooting deleted from 3Speak?
Isn't the point of the platform to allow free speech, which includes the documentation of events like that? This is a major issue and I have prepared a huge decode about that. Will that be deleted as well?
I assume it has to do with the fact that you guys use mainstream hosting platforms which have new algorithms to detect and delete these videos as soon as they pop up.
I hope to see a public statement from 3Speak about that and discuss this loud and wide with the community.

Don't get me wrong, I am not sensational to watch something like that, but it is an important document of the propaganda that is being used against the public all around the world. Stuff like that is of the highest issue for free speech and there is a reason - in my opinion - why these videos, similar like the Christchurch shooting this year on the Ides of March, are banned from the public and even put under high penalties (10 years prison in Australia for merely watching the Christchurch shooting video).

I don't even blame 3Speak for this, I just would like to understand where exactly you are drawing the lines, where we can read about that and how willing you are to discuss this issue not just with me in here but out there in the open and maybe even make a statement video about that.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

The official reply points to the 3Speak guidelines. They do make sense to me and a self-censored video without the deadly part would have been the wiser option in this instance. The video is also not deleted but hidden in the front-end.

Was hat die Frau gesagt, die das erste Opfer wurde? "Muss das sein, wenn ich hier lang gehe? Mann, ey."
Das ist unglaublich. Offenbar hat sie gesehen, dass da ein Mann mit Waffen hantiert und ist seelenruhig weitergegangen, anstatt sofort in Deckung zu gehen. Kein Kommentar zu dieser Demonstration an fehlendem Lebenswillen.

Die Theorie vom "fehlenden Lebenswillen" teile ich nicht. Ich denke, die arme Frau hat gedacht, dass hier ein Jugendlicher mit Böllern oder Paintball-Kram rumspielt. Solch unvorstellbare, sinnlose Gewalt war doch früher in Deutschland praktisch nicht existent, "grober Unfug" von Halbstarken allerdings schon. Eine fatale Fehleinschätzung... Leider tun sowohl Politik als auch Medien alles, dieses vertraute Gefühl vermeintlicher Sicherheit auf den Strassen aufrecht zu erhalten. Und die Leute fallen darauf rein - ist ja auch bequemer - und wählen diese Lügenbande immer wieder.

Da hast Du sicher recht, aber wer heute noch glaubt, nach wie vor in einer heilen Welt zu sein, muss schon arge Scheuklappen aufhaben. Ja, an der Wahlurne sieht man es ja auch, leider.

Was better that you cut out the part where they where lying dead and all the gore part as well, that's the best precautionary measure that's needed when uploading to 3speak well as for the shooter, was he assigned? What's the need for the shooting?

he was a loner who consumed too much video games and alt right memes. He wanted attention and could not achieve it via real life performance.

Die Postmoderne hält noch eine Menge (unangenehme) "Überraschungen" für uns bereit ...

Ich habe zu diesem Ereignis ein Decode-Video gemacht: