RE: There Is No Biological Basis for Different Races in Modern Humans

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There Is No Biological Basis for Different Races in Modern Humans

in threespeak •  5 years ago 

Racism is pretty illogical. You cannot generalise about any group of people. As a white guy I can find plenty of white people I don't like for specific reasons. We cannot choose how we are born, but we can choose how we act.

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I find it amazing and disappointing that so-called scientific Minds can't understand complex overlapping structures. They want to over simplify things into Oblivion.

I found it a little surprising that the guest speaker insisted that there was no race and that ot shouldn't be referred to ever 👍

The guest speaker wasn't exactly speaking of racism, he was actually saying that there is NO SUCH thing as race.

If a form asked you what your race was would you pencil in "Sapien" or would you just check the box assigned to your "race"?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

This makes the racism we see even more meaningless. It is really more about culture, but skin colour is an easy way to pick out people as different. As is said in the video there are different meanings put to the word 'race', but he is talking about genetics. As I said I consider the actions of people more important than how they look.

Generally the options on a form will list different ethnicities. As long as there is discrimination there need to be efforts to reduce it.

This makes the racism we see even more meaningless.

I personally found it interesting that there is only a 0.1% deviation between so called "races".

Nice comment.. thank you @steevc.