Discoin x Buzzin Airdrop (DISCOIN) ➡️ 75 DISCOIN ~ $2 USD ⬅️

in threespeak •  6 years ago 

Join the Discoin x Buzzin Airdrop now and earn 75 free DISCOIN tokens with an estimated value of $2 USD. Our step-by-step guide makes it as easy as possible for you to get your free tokens.

➡️ DISCOIN x BUZZIN AIRDROP: Step-by-step ⬅️

  1. Start Discoin x Buzzin Telegram Bot https://t.me/DiscoinCryptoBountyBot?start=a11f38305d

  2. Join Telegram group

  3. Visit Discoin website + Create Discoin wallet

  4. Visit Discodery website

  5. Follow Twitter

  6. Submit Discoin wallet address

  7. Receive 75 DISCOIN* ~ $2

*15 DISCOIN for every referral

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