Export Thunderbird data item TGZ file format

in thunderbird •  3 months ago 

Can files kept in Thunderbird be accessed with Zimbra Mail? I tried to do this even though there were no clear answers available. In case this becomes required, this post will show you two simple and understandable approaches to import MBOX files into Zimbra. The essay will start with a thorough review of MBOX and Zimbra Mail, then introduced.
One of the most often used file formats that has ever been created, MBOX allows you to save your whole email archive. Though it is supported by many other systems, like Thunderbird and Apple Mail, among others, you will not be able to import the file only opening it in Zimbra.

From inside Thunderbird, one can manually upload Zimbra files.

Direct opening Thunderbird files within Zimbra messages is not practical since Zimbra was unable to support MBOX files. Zimbra was not made to support MBOX files, so this is so. Notwithstanding this, you can connect to Zimbra using Thunderbird or any other email client that can handle MBOX connections. You will be obliged to import Zimbra Mail into your Thunderbird account whenever you first access your MBOX file in Thunderbird. Completing this operation will take a good bit of time. This method consists in two primary phases over which. Moving files into Thunderbird comes first among things to accomplish.

The initial phase of the process is launching Thunderbird on your desktop PC. Choose among the menu the "Open from file" option.

• You will have to visit the Thunderbird file and select the "Message" option to move on with the second stage. (should you not be able to locate the file, kindly choose All files and subsequently hunt for the file once you have done so).

• You will then be able to view your Thunderbird file inside the Thunderbird account if you have finished Step 3 satisfactorially.

After you have completed email saving, we will move on to configuring this account such that it links to the Zimbra account.
One advised is to migrate files from Thunderbird to Zimbra.We will now link these two email accounts to enable the Zimbra process of file migration. Just follow the below described actions to reach this goal.

• Check first to determine whether the IMAP server is functioning actively in Zimbra. Start your web browser adventure with Thunderbird.

• Go on to the second step: click the "three bars" icon then choose the "Account Settings" choice.

The third phase of the process comes after choosing "Account Action" and then the "Add Mail Account" option.

• In step four you must provide your password, Zimbra name, email address. Go to the next stage. Just click the "Continue" button.

• Choosing the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) option and, should you so like, entering the IMAP settings comes in step five. You then ought to connect your account.

Regarding file migration from Thunderbird to Zimbra, this is a quite Simple method.

Using the Thunderbird to TGZ converter will enable you to rapidly migrate your Thunderbird file to Zimbra or any other email programme. This program will help you to quickly translate your Thunderbird created files to formats compatible with other email apps and file formats. With this approach, your mailbox will be exported in a few minutes. You can make this happen. The user interface of the application is quite easy to use, which facilitates the performance of the given purposes.


Among the many amazing features of the program are extensive search filters, file import functionality into several document formats, preview modes, and a great deal more. Using the free edition of the program will also allow you to participate in a totally free trial period. Among the several techniques one can use to export the data are the following:

Here are detailed directions for importing Thunderbird step-by-step.

• First you must choose "Open" from the menu after getting the program, then "Email Data Files" from among other choices.

• Choose the "MBOX file" next, then from the drop-down menu choose either "Choose Files" or "Choose Folder".

• All of your data will be shown before you once you have found and opened the file. Start your perusal of the emails right away.

• The fourth step is to pick the "IMAP" button from the drop-down menu following your "Export" category choice.

• After doing everything, click the "Save" button on the emails and then register personally on Zimbra.

Last Words

Zimbra does not support direct Thunderbird imports, hence this function is absent. Regarding professional tools and email clients, on the other hand, there are more choices for application. This post said that there are two different approaches you might apply if you have to move your data. It is now up to you to decide which of the two strategies you will use as we have given a thorough justification of both of the possible ones. Remember too that before the operation begins the MBOX file should be backed up.

Read more :- https://www.wholeclear.com/thunderbird/tgz/

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