Ayurveda for managing Thyroid Disorders

in thyroiddisorders •  6 months ago  (edited)

Ahara and vihara (Diet and Lifestyle) are the pillars of good health and well-being. Poor diet and lifestyle can be the cause of various vikaras (diseases) in the body, which is a well-known concept. Especially in these modern times, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a good lifestyle and a healthy diet. As a result of this factor, one of the common problems that we can see in today’s world is that 2-5% of the world's population is affected by thyroid issues.

According to WHO nearly 2 billion people do not have enough quantities of iodine in their bodies. It is a major factor in increasing thyroid cases worldwide. Thyroid is more common in females and people of older age groups.

There are two types of thyroid disorders namely hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. When there is an excess production of thyroid hormones ( an overactive thyroid gland), then it results in hyperthyroidism. On the other hand, if there is less production of these hormones (underactive thyroid gland), then it results in hypothyroidism. It is much more common than hyperthyroidism.

Both these disorders can affect the whole body (shareera). The hormones in the body follow a chain reaction which means an activity of one hormone affects the other. So, if any hormone gets disturbed (increases or decreases) then it causes an imbalance in the whole system. Usually, people (both males and females) with thyroid disorders are known to report other hormonal disturbances.

Some of the common symptoms of thyroid are:
● Weakness in body
● Indigestion
● Constipation
● Skin redness
● Puffiness in eyes
● Sudden weight loss or weight gain

In Ayurveda, the thyroid hormone is known as one of the Rasavaha Srotas which supplies energy and nutrition to all the tissues in the Shareera (body). T3, T4, and TSH are thyroid hormones and any imbalance in them can cause malfunctioning in the Shareera (body). Various functions of thyroid hormone are affected:
● Regulating metabolism
● Monitoring the use of calories
● Weight management
● Affects brain development
● Controls muscles
● Slowing or increasing heart rate
● Body-temperature regulation

As per Ayurvedic texts, an imbalance of pitta and Kapha dosha is responsible for thyroid imbalances. The digestive fires in the body are disturbed which is also known as the problem of Mandagni in Ayurveda. It slows down the metabolism of the body.

As per Ayurvedic philosophies, various factors can cause a deficiency, resistance, or excess of thyroid hormones in the body. Some of the common factors are:

Diet (Ahara)
● Consuming more dry and spicy foods.
● Taking very long gaps in meals and an irregular food routine.
● Excess of munching throughout the day and eating without hunger.
● Eating heavy meals at night and sleeping with a full stomach.
● Taking sugars like cold drinks, sweets, or candies.
● Drinking an excess of water while eating food.
● Eating stale food or excessively processed foods.
● Having more cold food than warm food.

Lifestyle (Vihara)
● Suppressing natural urges
● Constant constipation
● Lack of proper sleep or irregular sleep patterns
● Alcohol and smoking
● Mental pressure
● Overthinking about simple aspects
● Psychological trauma

One must avoid these mistakes as they can result in ama (toxin) formation in the body. Ama accumulation in the body is believed to be the root cause of the disease in Ayurveda. So the main part of thyroid management as per Ayurvedic philosophies is to remove ama from the body.

It is a prerequisite of Ayurvedic treatment that a person must follow a healthy meal plan and work out regularly to get rid of disorders in the body. Stress management is also very important for thyroid patients. Stress can directly impact hormones in the body and it has a very bad impact on health. One of the best herbs for managing stress levels is Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), which soothes the brain and rests your thoughts which helps in getting a night of better sleep. It grows naturally in Northern Africa and India. It’s one of the key herbs in Ayurveda.
Various herbs can be used for the treatment of thyroid:

● Guggulu
● Basil (Tulsi)
● Ginger
● Coriander
● Turmeric
● Carom seeds (ajwain)
● Shilajit
● Brahmi
● Jatamansi
● Jalkumbhi
● Drumstick

All these herbs are rich in medicinal properties and they can be used for managing iodine levels in the body. They reduce the swelling in the glands. They boost the metabolism which will result in efficient production of hormones in the glands. A balance of the disturbed hormone will slowly bring all other disturbed hormones in balance once again.

These herbs can be added to the diet in the form of herbal teas, powders, or tablets. It is best to have honey(Madhu) along with herbs. It helps in better absorption of herbs and they provide nutrition to the body.
Along with taking herbs, a person must take good care of their diet and lifestyle. As per Ayurvedic texts, the body is a whole unit and well being of the whole body is necessary to heal any disease. It focuses on both physical and mental well-being. So the changes that a person can incorporate in their life are:

Dietary (Ahara)
● Add flax seeds to your diet. You can top it on the bowl of your favorite salad, or bread. You can also cook them in your vegetables.
● Drink ginger-lemon tea.
● Eat cooked greens instead of consuming raw vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, or sprouts) because they contain goitrogens which can be a problem for thyroid patients.
● Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
● Foods rich in vitamins A and C are very good like carrots, kale, orange, lemon, and pineapple.
● Add apple cider vinegar to your diet. It is alkaline or pitta shamak (pitta dosha pacifying) in nature and removes excess fats from the body.
● Eat wholesome grains and use a variety of grains instead of sticking to just wheat or rice.
● Do not consume sugar in your diet. Use natural sweeteners like dates or jaggery.

These dietary remedies will help in boosting the metabolism which in turn will activate the glands in the body and set the balance right. Nutritional deficiencies will be fulfilled and the body will become more active.

● Ensure to sit in the sun for some time as it is important for Vitamin-D deficiency in thyroid patients.
● Add yoga asanas like Surya namaskar to your routine which will enhance the metabolism of the body.
● Yogic practices like “Simha kriya” are extremely beneficial for activating the thyroid gland.
● Pranayama like Nadishudhi and Bhastrika and Meditation are very helpful in treating thyroid issues.

These are some of the practices which are extremely beneficial as per Ayurvedic texts. Whenever a person comes to a Vaid or Vaidya (Ayurvedic practitioner), the doctor examines the whole body. They give herbal medicines, make a diet chart, and also suggest some lifestyle changes. In pure Ayurveda, the main aim is to make the body healthy and vibrant with all the organs functioning well.
However, nowadays many institutes do not follow the principles of pure Ayurveda. It has become difficult to find a reliable Ayurvedic hospital. So one may search thoroughly. For your reference, Dr. Sharda Ayurveda is one of the best Ayurvedic hospitals which provides both national and international services. It is through their hard work and following core Ayurvedic principles that they have reached great heights.

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