Condom Snorting Challenge...I shit you not!

in tidepodchallenge •  7 years ago 

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The 'condom snorting challenge' is every parent's worst nightmare

Viral videos posted on social media show teenagers snorting condoms as part of a so-called "condom snorting challenge."

And aren't you thrilled to know that "Social Media" allows THESE videos to proliferate all over the place, yet the moment you post a video that goes against the "accepted story" or the agenda of the Controllers.... opps! your content is GONE!! Facebook etc have edited content, deleted content and made it impossible to find content that goes against their set political agenda, but that's ok..... they'll let you see tons of "Challenges" posts that will cause you bodily harm and may kill you instead!!

...maybe we have to start a new "challenge", make it completely ridiculous, and embed the information we are trying to get to the public into the middle of the "challenge" video.


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