We are All like Sea Shells on the Beach :):)

in tidesoflife •  7 years ago 


If you've ever gone to the beach looking for Sea Shells there is one thing you've surely noticed. No matter how many shells you pick up you always find another one that seems prettier or that has a different kind of beauty to it. People are no different. We all have our own something special to offer someone else. You just need to see it for yourself too.

  • Sea shells are all unique. They come in different shapes, sizes, colors and imperfections.
Everyone has their own uniqueness to display. We come from different cultures, backgrounds and life experiences that we can share.

  • Every Sea shell has its own story to tell. Some have been roughened up by the tides of the ocean more than others however each one has its own unique beauty to share.
Therefore don't be afraid of displaying who you are. Only by showing yourself to others will you be seen by someone who would want to pick you up. It's those imperfections that make you unique and has a story behind it.

  • Shells are walked passed time and again however there is always someone who will bend over to pick you up.
None of us can take each and every shell back home. You tend to pick those that mean something to you in one form or another. Therefore don't despair when you are walked by without being noticed. Someone else will see you and want to take you home.

  • Sometimes the Sea Shells get pulled back in by the tides just to be washed ashore again.
We all go through the tides of life. Sometimes you need to swim and can barely stay afloat. Others you can relax in the sun or meet someone new that sees the beauty within you.


Moral of the story:

We have all been shaped by the Sea of Life. Therefore, don't get washed away by the tides but rather display yourself on this beautiful beach for someone to find.

Remember, beauty isn't always
perfect. It's imperfect.

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Great way to look at life @theneau we are bumped and bruised along the road, it is how we get up and deal with whatever comes at us.

This is powerful and puts good perspective on living and life.

Thanks and well said @joanstewart :):) It's not about how hard you fall but how well you get up :) Thank you. I always appreciate your support!!

Beautiful analogy of people and life @therneau :) So very true, I do believe there is beauty in everyone, just look beyond the shell and we will find it. In looking for that special something in people, we can bring out the best in people, I have seen it time and time again throughout life. Here at Lily's Cottage we see all kind of sea shells and find beauty in all of them. Thank you @therneau, will look at sea shells with new eyes. Your oumama will love this story :)

Thank you for the kind words @lizelle :):) I'm glad you think oumama will enjoy it as well :) Indeed, sometimes people just need help to see their own beauty within. I appreciate your response :):)

This really is an amazing post @therneau, will read this over and over :)

Thank you @lizelle!! I'm glad you're enjoying it so much :):) Makes me happy :)