The as of late discharged melody from Sajid Nadiadwala's 'Baaghi 2' titled 'Mundiyan' has been making waves online with the Tiger Shroff-Disha Patni starrer turning into a moment hit among the netizens. The melody is an entertainment of the well known Punjabi track, "Mundiyan To Bach Ke" initially performed by Labh Janjua.
Ginny Diwan has revamped the Punjabi verses, arranged by Rahul Shetty and Sandeep Shirodkar, the track has remixed the music to make an awesome Punjabi move number.Ever since the foot tapping track discharged, the reproduced track has been topping the diagrams inferable from Tiger Shroff's energizing moves. Including Tiger Shroff shaking his leg to the energetic number, Mundiyan ended up being a moment most loved with the snare step getting to be prominent among the majority.
Tiger Shroff shared a video on his Instagram moving to Mundiyan alongside his co-star Disha Patani, as a yet another treat to his fans.