TIL who created the Morgan-Keenan classification.

in til •  4 years ago 


I'm a long-time astronomy and astrophysics aficionado, and today I learned a name that is new to me. (And from a book on evolutionary biology of all places)

Everyone who studies stellar spectra and the stellar life-cycle is familiar with the O, B, A, F, G, K, M ("Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me") classification of stars. This classification system was created in the early 20th century to estimate and classify the mass/temperature of stars by studying the Balmer lines of their spectra. It's not an exaggeration to say that this classification system is as important to the understanding of stars as the periodic table is to understanding the elements.

Because that classification system is called "Morgan-Keenan classification", I presumed it was invented by a couple of folks (probably men) named Morgan and Keenan.

Today I learned that system was created by a remarkable intellect in the form of one Annie Jump Canon. It's worth spending a few minutes of reading about this soul with a razor sharp, curious, ebullient mind.


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