The RevGov Agenda

in tilphilippines •  7 years ago  (edited)


Perhaps the most frequently asked question is how will RevGov be implemented and what can we expect.

Rather than depend on anyone to tell us what no one really knows, perhaps we can use our brains a bit and list down the major issues the country is facing, which unless FIRST addressed, will make any transition to a Parliamentary/Federal government an exercise in futility.

  1. The Drug Problem
    A. Pushers and users
    B. Drug lords, rogue PNP and intel agents (NBI, PDEA)
    C. Narco-politicians/generals and their backers
    1) National officials (past and incumbent)
    2) LGU officials (barangay, city & provincial)
    D. Interdiction of supply/manufacturing
  2. Corruption in Government
    A. Dubious and corrupt Constitutionally mandated Officials
    1) The Judiciary
    a. Supreme Court
    b. CA
    c. Lower courts
    2) COMELEC
    3) Ombudsman
    B. Dubiously elected, corrupt, obstructionist elected officials
    1) VP
    2) Senate
    3) Congress
    C. Corrupt/Useless/Under-performing Government offices
    1) Bureau of Customs
    2) CHR
    3) PCGG
    4) Various Regulatory Boards
    D. Abusive Oligarchs
    1) Use of media for black propaganda
    2) Abuse of Gov;t contracts/programs
    3) Corruption of gov't officials
  3. Rebel Groups
    A. NPA/NDF
    C. Muslim extremists
    D. Paid Rallyists

These are but the most urgent issues that need to be definitively settled BEFORE any change in system of government will mean anything. These are the WHYS for RevGov..

They are ALL long-standing and/or deeply entrenched problems which NO President has ever managed to address for lack of will, intelligence, capability and most important of all, genuine, selfless concern and compassion for the Filipino people.

So, to those questioning the need for RevGov: does it appear to you that ANYONE would be able to at least significantly address all these problems in 10 or even 20 years let alone 5, with the current restrictions imposed by law and the Constitution?

Can we really afford to wait that long? And why should we, if we have an opportunity to do it faster?

Would you even begin to understand the HOW these might be solved even if they were thoroughly explained to you in great detail? Would you really have the ability and knowledge to pass judgement on the prudence and correctness of every proffered solution or would you depend on weighing what "the other side" (logically, the criminals and the corrupt and those they can pay or deceive and those who have an overweening belief in their intelligence) had to say as well?

What have these people ever done in their lives anyway?

Would not the more important consideration be whether the person tasked to address all these issues has the necessary qualifications and moral fiber in order to have at least a fighting chance of solving and overcoming all these obstacles?

Would it not stand to reason that that a 72 year old person who has actually done what no one else has would have to be much smarter and wiser than the great majority of us?

Should we not then follow his lead and example and support his efforts to do what he must rather than deride and tell him what to do?

To those who fear wholesale repression and violation of basic rights, rather than listen to wild speculation and innuendo, one need only to look at the past year if not the past 24 years for a more realistic expectation of how the law-abiding general public will be treated. Has even one vociferous media critic of the President or any member of the opposition even suffered harassment? Only De Lima is in jail and only because of her crimes and not because of anything she may have said.

Just like martial law in Mindanao, it is only the lawless who have anything to fear. The goal, after all, is not to gain or wield power capriciously but rather to use it for the greater benefit of all. What is the sense of replacing a rotten foundation with something just as rotten?

And to those who are just skeptical rather than those with ulterior motives, unless you know someone better than what we have now, perhaps it is time to simply stand aside and let that which must happen be done more easily, lest you be swept away with the ordure. It is probably more logical to give even just the benefit of the doubt to those trying to fix things rather than listen to those who destroyed them.

By the way, I would like to ask for your support for our fundraising project for special and differently-abled children, Project Alinaga. :)

In a nutshell, we are looking to raise about 300 Steem/SBD by November 15 to be able to support the various Christmas activities of Project Alinaga as well as any other charitable activity we may be able to. I will send a bag of chocolate chip cookies by courier anywhere in the Philippines for donations of 25 Steem (please send directly to @steemph) so the donor can at least try the cookies (and maybe order a few bags as gifts for Christmas? :) ) as well. Once we get started, I would be glad to pass on the donations in kind to Project Alinaga and/or to whatever charitable activity @steemph may sponsor. I would also not mind donating at least a similar amount of my own as well.

Here is some info on Project Alinaga courtesy of @steemph and @dandalion:

Thanks for your kind support!

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