in tilphilippines •  7 years ago 

Upon deeper reflection, it now appears that Hartigan-Go, Zuellig lackey and FDA chairman when Sanofi started the trials was the channel used by Sanofi to get to Aquino.

As Ona had been resisting efforts by Sanofi to implement a vaccination program, Garin was made Usec at the DOH as insurance In June 2014, Aquino made one final effort to get Ona on board but Ona was apparently adamant as he favored researching a cure rather than vaccination, which would of course be disastrous for Sanofi if successful.. His announcement in September that the cure would undergo trials in six gov't hospitals was apparently the last straw.

He was first accused of corruption in the purchase of pneumococcal vaccines by De Lima who said that the President had asked her to start "discreet" investigations since June. Curiously enough, Ona was cleared just a couple of months after he resigned.

Having had his reputation besmirched and on leave, Ona was then accused by Hartigan-Go, of all things, of unethical conduct, in the conduct of clinical trials of the dengue cure. This was then taken to town by then DOH-OIC.Garin with the usual MSM gang and "authorities" like Anthony Leachon.

The whole brouhaha forced Ona to resign after which the whole sordid tale divulged by the Senate began.

Mind you this is just speculation on my part and on the part of potential prosecutors, it would be quite difficult to make a case unless a money trail, obviously untraceable, could be found. The timeline of events however makes it quite clear that something of the sort probably happened.

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