Visually, Tim Burton is one of my favorite directors. His style is immediately recognizable (and often copied). His movies viewed as moving works of art are basically all fantastic. When viewed as stories, however, they are hit-and-miss. For every Edward Scissorhands or Beetlejuice, you get a Dark Shadows or a Planet of the Apes.
Get a Load of Me. Art by Steve Rampton. Purchase here:
Truthfully, I haven't enjoyed a Tim Burton movie as a film since 2003's Big Fish. I had high hopes for Big Eyes, but it came apart for me at the end. It seems Tim Burton is more of a corporate brand nowadays than an artist with a unique voice. Does this happen to all artists? I hope not.
Nevertheless, I still celebrate his work and his impact on my own artistic sensibilities. I still watch all his movies. Even if it's no good, you can bet it will look beautiful. As a tribute, I've made some fan art which you can see sprinkled throughout this post.
I'm Not Finished. Art by Steve Rampton. Purchase here:
My all-time favorite Tim Burton movie is Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, which I haven't yet created any fan art, but it's in the works. What's your favorite Tim Burton movie? Least favorite? Why?
Right now, this art is 10% off so make sure you take advantage of the sale. You can get it on tee shirts, canvas, phone cases, pillows, shower curtains, and much more. Thanks for reading!
Qualified? Art by Steve Rampton. Purchase here: