10 Proven Time Management Tips

in time •  7 years ago 

Here are 10 time management tips you should try.

#Implement schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations, and activities you have done for one week. This will help you understand how many activities you can do in one day. You will see how much time is actually spent on production and how much time is wasted. This will also help you to learn about good time management.

#Make a to-do list. Any activity or conversation that matters to your success should have time assigned to it. With a to-do list, your time will be more useful every time.

#Plan to spend at least 50% of your time to engage in thoughts, activities and jobs that generate most of your results

#Schedule time for interruptions. Plan time to withdraw from what you do. Take an interesting concept, for example, the concept of having "office hours." Is not "working hours" another way of saying "planned interruptions?"

#Take the first 30 minutes of each day to plan your day. Do not start your day until you complete your time plan. The most important time of your day is the time you schedule to schedule the time. In addition, it is also useful for your time management to run well without having to interfere with other things.

#Take five minutes before each call and task to decide what target you want to achieve. This will help you figure out what looks like success before you start. And it will also keep you on time at work. Because you already have a target and all the schedules are well planned.

#Put the "Do not disturb" sign when you really need to do the work to be done quickly.

#Try not to switch to your phone just because you hear the rings from your mobile phone. You may see it, but if it does not matter, try to divert your attention from your mobile phone. Unless it's a message or a call from your business associates. Then, try to schedule time to check email, or just browse the internet about your business, because you also need knowledge about it.

#Block other distractions like Facebook or other social media while you work. Except, if your work is related to social media.

#Remember that it is not possible to get everything you have planned. Because you're just a human being. Remember also that good chances are 20% of your thoughts, while conversations and activities generate 80 percent of your results.

Time management is just one of the ways to increase your productivity. But by mastering this one thing, you will see a noticeable difference before and after you apply. And if you are an entrepreneur, then you are required to be more productive than if you are a professional. We've also written a few articles on the 15 things that successful entrepreneurs do each day and the 10 things that successful entrepreneurs bring when they come out of the house that will benefit you.

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