I don't care for any conspiracy or personal feeling one may have about a single time zone. Let's think about this for a second. The world is currently broken up into multiple time zones... several. As a matter of fact every day, it's a different day in a different part of the world. It could be Sunday in america and Monday in Japan. This is ridiculous. We have time zones so that people can wake up in the MORNING, go to sleep at NIGHT, when the sun goes down, and eat dinner in the EVENING. In other words, we have time zones so that you FEEL comfortable doing things at certain times; and the only reason that is true is because we were born into this world and accepting things the way they already are. We've become "used to" the way things are. Just because things are the way they are does not mean they cannot change. You wouldn't leave stove on when you leave your house, no you change the stove, you just flip it off before you leave the house, that's a change. Yes it's that easy. The issue here is getting the whole world on the same page. And all I can do is sit here and write this blog about how I feel on a global UTC and do away with all time zones except UTC (Universal Time Zone). So there is a clock on the wall; the only reason there is a time zone for your location, it has to do with the sun. But you don't NEED to go to bed at 9PM or 10PM or whatever time it is when the sun goes down. You can still go to bed at 8AM when the sun goes down. It's just an association with time zones.
So how this would be better. Everyone in the world would be operating on the same time. The whole hassle of converting one time into another goes out the window. We would never have to think what time it is in another location or do some conversion of time zones or have multiple clocks in offices for different locations. Everything, everywhwere would be operating on the same time. You would only need one clock rather than your EST, MST, PST etc etc. You wouldn't need to push buttons on your watch to determine what time it is somewhere else.
What issue would it pose? You wouldn't know where the sun is. Well I guess if you want to know what parts of the world are, you'd have to just Google that. At least the issue with time is solved; perhaps you could download an app called Sunspots and it shows you every location that is sunny and dark across the world at a given time. I just made that app up, would be cool though. Would be even cooler if we had one UTC that everyone actually followed and abolished this plethora of timezone garbage. It's such an ancient system.
Later I'll discuss the solution the the global language barrier, stay tuned!