in time •  7 years ago 

So if we want to travel into the future, it is enough if we are able to manipulate the energy of the black hole. If we want to travel into our past, we can use the offset spatial divergence. It means our universe always moves forward with the speed 5 lakhs miles per hour.

our universe is like a movie that was already shot. All the frames in it are like the reels of film. it means every shot was filmed already. But at that moment only one shot will be playing. We call it as the present moment or now moment. So if we want to travel into the past...

When the universe is moving, calculating the position of that frame in the past... If we travel from the present frame to that frame... it means we travelled into the past. For this, we can use the warm holes. For this, we can use warm holes.

Wormholes are the shortcuts to travel through the time. It means we are able to travel in time, right? The doubt in all our minds is... it is that if we are able to travel in time... Are we able to change either our mistakes in the past or any incidents in the lives of thers right?

We can stop Godse from killing Gandhiji by traveling through time but... If you have shot yourself with the gun... You might not be here as you, right? Here the controversy is been created. A parallel universe concept is been created to answer this. To say in a simple way, you can travel into timeline of others.

And you can alter their timeline... But you cannot alter your timeline. you might have entered into another parallel universe that is it.

stephen hawking said that the time travel is impossible... He said if time travel is possible in the future... Then the tourists from future might haave visted us right? But what the scientists are saying is... if they have such a technology to invent the time machine... Then they might have also got the tecnology to move around us being invisible, right? And said that is why they are invisible to us.

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