Time Perception As A Mental Construct

in time •  8 years ago 

About a week ago I was talking with my friend Brittany. She was telling me how living in Asheville, NC feels much slower than in Minneapolis yet how she really appreciates the slow-pace of said city. We went on to talk about my experience with time as well being that I moved to Texas from Mexico City and how to me, it felt like time lasted twice as long here… then, when I moved to the Smoky Mountains in North Carolina for a couple of years, I thought I was eternal!

After we moved back to Texas, and I was so grateful for that, I realized how the perception of time was very much a mental construct and I started using my time more intentionally. I guess having a very strong entrepreneurial father that taught my right-brain self the importance of respecting people’s time helped me cultivate a productive mentality.

Going back to the conversation with my friend Brittany, after I explained all of this to her, she mentioned in surprise: “That’s how you get so much done! You move a million miles an hour!” And I think she’s right. Balancing my 8-5 job, writing for a financial newsletter, being an active member of the Libertarian Party Executive Committee, having two YouTube channels, two Facebook pages with tens of thousands of likes, an active social life, and of course my two lovely kids and wife might seem overwhelming to a lot of people… all of this within a 24-hour day.

A lot of people usually complain about not having enough time but in reality we all have as much time as Elon Musk, Tim Cook, Peter Thiel, and all of those high-performing guys. The issue, in my perspective, is how we make use of that time.

The real secret for me has been the realization that there is no such thing as “free time.”

That all the time we have can be either invested or wasted … mind you, time that we enjoy wasting is not wasted time at all. But with that said, that time will not come back so it is really difficult [read: “impossible”] for me to just want to sit down and watch telly when I could be creating value for myself and society in general.

Also, for those of us that work well with incentives, try this: apply a dollar value to every hour of your life depending on what you normally get for your work. How much money are you losing? How much value are you throwing away? Suddenly, our perception on “spare time” tends to dissipate like that venti pike at 7:30am.

Time perception has become extremely interesting to me. I have been noticing more intentionally how people treat the scarcest resource there is (time) and how that, in turn, affects their outcomes (me included, of course). I have been seeing a lot of people looking for ways to help them track time and keep them in check with all the duties, responsibilities and commitments. There are literally hundreds of Apps for this and after doing some research I really have not been very impressed, and that sort of hurts me to acknowledge as a tech snob … but ultimately nothing beats pen and paper. After doing some research, I found out that people like Richard Branson, Howard Schultz, Jack Dorsey, etc., still use that simple technology to keep them going from task to task. Yes, as hard as that is to believe, all these star entrepreneurs still stick to pen and paper to make lists and keep their to-do lists.

The real issue, to me, is then learning to prioritize the urgent from the important, and one of the pieces of advice I have seen over and over on the internet and other time-management books is to tackle the most difficult task first, and then the day seems to roll a lot easier. I have also seen people talk about the 2-minute tasks, where the authors explain that if a task takes two minutes or less you should not postpone it because it is very likely that you will end up not doing it … like me right now with my internet bill. Just because it’s easy, a lot of times we send it to the back burner and we end up paying late fees and two months at the same time. Ouch!

The most important thing I found was that all of this time perception business is quite subjective and we all need to find what works best for us… One suggestion would be basing this on our thinking preferences as we learned with the HBDI® profile.

A final thought: this does not have to be a grueling process but it will take a few tries to see what works for you. Find some apps that will help you remember things like SIRI on your iPhone or Google. Keep pen and paper handy and please let us know what works for you. I am perpetually curious about how things work for different people and I’d like to hear about your success stories. Even your not very successful ones if they are funny ;).

Luis Fernando Mises is a Consultant that teaches Leadership all over the United States, a Yoga instructor, a Meditation teacher, a student of Austrian Economics, a Statesman with the Libertarian Party, a Curandero, an Entrepreneur, and a Family man. He realized his personal mission was to empower others and to be present; and this realization propelled him to create Emancipated Human as a way to bring stories that would help people see the nature of the police state we currently live in, ideas to hack the world, interviews with people that have practical examples, and inspiration to live a freer life.

He is a Free Market Anarchist and is host of Anarchast Español andEmancipated Human and contributes to The Dollar Vigilante as a writer focusing on Dollar Vigilante Groups to help connect freedom-minded individuals on the web.

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Excellent article - time is very non-linear. Your final photo reminded me of this

We are evidently on the same frequency (surprising, right? ;) ), since I have been heavily on this thought the last week or so.
I notice how 30 seconds is nothing at all in time, but try sitting through 30 seconds of a YouTube ad and watch how that feels, versus the unnoticed 30 seconds in a 3 hour sexual intercourse session that feels like it couldn't have used up that much time.

The concept of "time flies when you're having fun" is a great reveal of this same thing.

And the realization of that gives the power back to our minds to begin to control our own experience of time. Using our perception and emotions, we can decide how long or short a day "feels", rather than just allowing life to happen TO us.

Emotions, thoughts, and life, do NOT in fact just "happen" to me.
I DO emotion. I DO life. I go to the feelings, they don't just come to me, no matter how much our mental and emotional habits seem to have control of me at times.

The subconscious wiring we have is hard to rewire and undo, so it feels as though we may be at the whim of life and emotion and experience, but we are not. And when we cease accepting that is has to be true, we take back the power over our reality.

3 hours of sex??? Wow.

as we should... right?

I made a post about how we can control our actions, emotions and perception of life.

Often times we don't realize how much made up BS there is our lives.
That time aspect is interesting. Didn't think about that at all.

I appreciate your comment. I agree! We have control over these things. And it is not that we suppress our emotions but that we can feel more intentionally.

Glad to have you aboard Brother!! Let's band together the community and support our fellow AnCaps!! I look forward to reading your content. My wife is going to start posting in Spanish. I wonder if we can gather enough folks to make it worthwhile?

Thank you, Randy! I'd like that very much!

Great post! It reminds me of how time feels when you're a kid. Do you remember? When we're kids, time seems to go so slowly, a day can seem to take an eternity. It seems like time is barely moving, and we will be kids forever, though adults tell us this will change. Then, sometime around high school, you notice time speeding up, and by the time you're out of college or in your early 20's, it seems like you're on the bullet train of time. You finally understand what the adults told you about time flying by as you get older, all those years ago. I read somewhere not too long ago that time moves more slowly for kids because they are always in the moment, and that we can get that slowed time perception back by being in the moment again, like kids. It's something I've been trying, and there is truly something to it. Time is what we perceive it to be.

thank you for this awesome comment. i agree!
one of my clients told me once that life is like a roll of toilet paper. in the beginning it spins slowly but as you keep going it gets faster. and it gets pretty fast as you get towards the end of the roll. lol

You're absolutely right, and that's a great analogy. Our job is to slow down that spinning roll. Lol!

If you're re-posting your old content, you should make that clear to people on SteemIt by linking to your original article. http://www.emancipatedhuman.com/webtest/2016/05/25/time-perception-mental-construct/

"I have been seeing a lot of people looking for ways to help them track time and keep them in check with all the duties, responsibilities and commitments. "

I'm sure you likewise also see people wasting this most scarce of resources and blaming others for the externalities of their purposeful inaction. Leisure is great, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Excellent post buddy

Thank you so much, brother! You are totally right!

Time Management is key. I have found that if you train your thought process to activate at certain points you can utilize this to maximize your day productively and without waste. Sorta like when you inject fear into your mind that you have to wake up at a certain time in the morning otherwise you will be late, and you always wake up before the alarm. Perception of time also depends on what you do in a day. Endorphins create a fast time warp,lol.


Nice post. You are absolutely right when you say that all of us need to use our time in the ways we think are most important. On perception, my perhaps obvious contribution is that eight hours at a party with friends and family feels different then eight hours hanging by your wrists in solitary confinement.

Aaaaw, I thought it was a continuation of the one from the app.

  • A little bit disappointed, though it's still a great read.

i just transferred it :(
glad to know you liked it! i will be doing much more now.

Well I did send you a message, telling you my thoughts about it when I read it the first time.

  • Think it was during my spam period, while you where banned.

Yeah, I went to sleep, sssh. But steemit, dammit! (Might be slightly addicted.)

My favorite Libertarian Shaman!

I use pen and paper for daily lists, and I'll typically use the Reminders app on my iPhone for everything else. It's super convenient because you can choose when to be reminded, or even where. its helped me stay on task for the past few years.

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