Sailing Time

in time •  5 years ago  (edited)

Waters formed of urgency are the mastery of these walls.
I toil in the labors of my pounding heartbeat.
Bricks placed feverishly, now to ferment in my soul.
These fingers of mine squish into plaster that shall adorn the walls of the castle I create.
Working away, mind lost, pondering, gingerly, the desideratum of the existence of walls I make.
I can count the stars before placing bounds upon my heart.
Tender souls I meet, twinkle in the sky I paint.
But you are the life; the vine that curves around my form
You become the vitality that springs truth from the core of me.
Unforgotten pulse that leads the dance I embrace.
You must know.
You must see.
I have this undying love.
But in the darkness, I must be the radiance of night.
In the light, I must still shine.
With frescoes of life drawn and colored along the walls of this sanctuary.
For love I live and Grace, eternity.
Your palms against mine, the lingering desire of your fingertips.
Content in your arms, enfolded in the place two worlds meet.
Words spoken in frequency.
Laughter as two souls dive in, alchemy.
Thunder quieted by the depth of us, in luscious purity.
The flow.
Into the spiral we pour.
Visions of truth.
Armed with the elemental three.
Yet, today I sail.
Time has come; ships must flee.
Waves waiting to carry us away.
Fleeting memories wash by.
Until I land upon this timeless beach.
The crush of shells under feet, marking change.
New timelines arise.
Obedient to the calls I make.
Horns sounding on my breathy need.
Moniker known; as caller of time, I beckon thee.
Once again, divine counsels, hear the words I reveal in ribbons of mastery.
Spilling forth, from within, into particles of the air we breathe.
Though, I traverse the day away, I leave you a letter of love, spun into eternity.
So, you will know.
With you, I never lost the way.
Never will lose the bounds holding these pages in.
Simply urged to turn the arms of time today;
Before the sun sets.
Before these tears dry upon my pillow case;
I must go.
Into the mirror to set things right.
When worlds collide.
Eye to eye.
Are we?
Where are you now?
In flight, I seek.
Destined for dreams.
Until worlds collide, into one.
~ MindInspired

  • Dedicated to the Truth

With God I See


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