Have you ever thought about going back in time? I don't mean time machines nor travel to older times, but rather give macha back in your life. There are days when I start thinking about my life and I feel like there are a lot of things I didn't do. I feel like I wasted my time. Since I left high school, it's been six years. During that time I studied several things, things I felt at the time that made me happy. Now I look at my life and say,"Why did I study that?"
Months go by and I see people around me building their lives. Young people who have studied always make sure everything is going great. Sure, they'll always have their problems, but it looks like they've got everything under control. I look at myself and see that my life is going from bad to worse.
I want to turn back, study again and fight for a better life. Make better decisions and be a good person. There are so many things I should have done and so many other things I shouldn't have done. I want to go back exactly to that first day of college. Saying to myself of the past:"keep studying this career, try your best". I could also go back to a few minutes or better a few hours before the day I dropped everything. The day where my life was thrown out the window.