Hi, It’s been a while…
We’re living some amazing times in our life as a species!
Today I want to share some perspective about it…
From whenever we start, there has been always a drive to push forward, an ability that no one explains, except with the leap of faith.
It does exist and not just because some believe in the concept, it exists because at the same time it doesn’t.To better understand this we don’t need just to understand Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, but also Kardashev and Schrodinger. Not because you need it, but because it gives us some ready-made ways to prove it.
Most, for many reasons, will argue about it a lot, if not all, and point many reasons especially against the “to prove it” part!.
They, if not also you, will do it by arguing at the last instance that I cannot prove it…
Well, I can!
At least and if not better, as better as anyone else, dead or alive at the moment.
And from all the reasons that anyone could point out, I’ll break it down into one truth… no one wants to even consider the fact they might have been lied to, all their life’s, and they want to own the truth, in the same way, they own God.
We will find God in any place on the planet, in any religion, sect, or culture.
Each one will point the finger… gentle and softly or hard and bloody denying all the others.
Who the fuck dares to do so!
If we break down the concept of God, one common fact will come from the concept! At some level, it would be the creator of worlds, and with that, of you, me, and the 7 billion more at the current time, if we believe in the statistics.
If so…why would God create you, and allow all this war to happen…Well, my thought is that God, it’s not that he doesn’t care… he just doesn’t micromanage!..
So the idea of an entity that can do more things that we consider normal… it is a serious possibility or multiple in all senses. As it is the opposite… in all senses too!
But I’m not to talk about God now, I’m here to talk about you and me and all of us.
If you can read this, you probably can think, and thinking is what makes us what we are. Not because of thinking itself or being aware, awake or whatever we and to call it.
But the way we think, the way we can relate, the way we manage to connect the dots….
But them again, all the other species, either they do it still now too or at least they done it somewhere in their time as a species, or they wouldn’t had adapted to the outside conditions and evolved into what each one of us is today. There are also a lot of other big and small thinkers that helped us to get to this point and allow us to grasp these concepts altogether. To all that came before big or small, my recognition, respect, and thank you!
The main point here and to conclude is this is:
If from dust and micro-nano…whatever it was the size or shape of particles that are our building blocks at some level (I forecast infinity), there as always been order in chaos, reason why I love chaos also, but personal things apart…this order, this reason, this conscience...
call it whatever you want, it’s been there ever since…
I don’t know when in our made-up scale called time. But exists!
Proof, you want proof!?
You are reading this!
That’s as much proof as anyone needs or is going to get, at least now!
With this said, indulge me in this concept:
If some particule organized itself to build…
let's say… let’s start from… the atom (we could start “lower” or “higher”), and all sort of kinds of different atoms came to be as result, atoms that by organizing themselves they built bigger structures, and let's do another “warp” jump sort of speak and lets got the cellular level.
Millions of cells organize to create organs, organs to create bodies… and we get to you, me, and all you already know…
All this required a lot of stuff to happen…
You can call it the hand of God
You can call it the d*ck of the Devil
You can call it Magic
You can call it Accident
Well you can even call it Quantum Communication
It’s up to you to choose what you want to call to the concept!
As it his up to you, to wake up and realize that you always had the power in you to do whatever you want!
What everyone is doing wrong is assuming that we are the state of the art and that all this stopped…
that evolution reached its peak with you and me…
that is so but so so so cocky and stupid, that I need to remember Plato and Socrates when derived from ones work they ended up to a similar conclusion, and I quote Socrates on this:
“I know that I know nothing, and even that is pretending I know a lot”.
What I’m saying is that the organs, cells, atoms, and quantum infinity didn’t just stopped… you just don’t want to think about it coz it’s a game-changing factor in anyone’s life and life in general!
It sounds crazy, maybe because it is crazy!
And you wanna know why!?
Because you’ve been misled all your life into thinking that such things are the byproduct of fairy tales.
The reality as we can for a few decades see now is that at a quantum level, we do exercise these actions and are all at the same time senders and executers and receivers, influencers and influenced.
And it’s not because you denied it that is not going on right now!
We could use the spooky action at a distance from physics. Action at a distance is the concept that an object can be moved, changed, or otherwise affected without being physically touched (as in mechanical contact) by another object.
… Pioneering physicist Albert Einstein described the phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance”…
the year was 1935!
But we can see this same thing in our bodies and all around us. one simple example, that you can experiment, is freezing drops of water and turning them into ice…
and you will be able to see how water turns into an intricate structure…
How do you think that happens…
Welcome to a new old world!
don’t kill the messenger!