I set this up right before I went and got a nap in. Setting a timelapse is a fun way to keep the camera working while you rest. I think this is about 2hrs of milky way condensed into 17 seconds.
This is notch peak under a mid-may milky way
I set this up right before I went and got a nap in. Setting a timelapse is a fun way to keep the camera working while you rest. I think this is about 2hrs of milky way condensed into 17 seconds.
This is notch peak under a mid-may milky way
so cool and now I know how much work goes into getting those 16 seconds!
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So beautifully mesmerizing!!! What camera did you use?
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Love it. One of my favorite things to watch , or sleep to ;-)
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Spectacular! ;) @jarvie
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Hey this is one of the most beautiful time lapse I've seen. Thank you for upvoting my photo too :)
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